Roommate Search

high school:

<p>dorm you want to live in:
going to pledge (if you know where, where)?
sports you play/intend to play:
joining any organizations?</p>

<p>how do you enjoy your time?

<p>religion (in case it matters for some reason)?</p>

<p>favorite music (go to concerts much?):
favorite food:
favorite place to visit:
favorite place to be:</p>

<p>have you ever shared a room before?
night owl/early bird?
do you snore?
how important are your grades?
mind having people in your room, late night?
mind having people visit from home and stay in the room?
do you bring the drama?
how often do you talk on the phone?
do you have any unordinary habits?
what do you consider clean ( you consider yourself clean)?
outgoing or shy?
active or lazy?
do you know a lot of people going here (currently or next year)?</p>