Roommate selection process

I have been accepted into NCSU’s engineering program and likely attending in the fall. I’ve been doing a lot of research about the housing situation and am curious about the roommate selection process if you do not request to room with someone.
I know that some colleges provide a survey of sorts in order to try to match students that would room together well. Does NC State have a similar system, or is it truly random?

@isaac74 My information might be a tad outdated, but within the past 4 years NCSU did have a roommate matching program. I believe it is linked with Facebook profiles. You should gain access to it once you accept admission, but you will need to be proactive with the process or you will get a random roommate. You select things such as your habits & living environment and it will provide you with a list of name suggestions. Then it is up to you both to request each other. If you both select each other then you most likely will get paired. It is not 100% accurate of course, but it is better than totally random.