
<p>Has anyone received confirmation of their roommates yet?</p>

<p>If not, for students at WashU, when did you hear about the summer before your freshman year about who you are being paired up with? (or by yourself or with two other people)</p>

<p>July 1st, for the class of 2012.
(Why yes, I am so bored that I went back on my wall-to-wall with my freshmen roommate on facebook. We friended each other the day it was released online).</p>

<p>So you should still have several weeks left before you find out.
Just so you know, you can check webstac (if you’ve gotten that mailing yet) and it will tell you the release date on there. However, they pushed it back several times to the july 1st mark my year, so know that that can happen too.</p>