Rose-Hulman Early Action for Fall 2024 Admission

This is the official thread for those applying EA to RHIT.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!


I am a rising Senior. Public High school. #1 or #2 in California for the past decade.
Taken 14 APs and 3 Honors.

APs include: AP Calculus AB, BC, AP Physics 1,2, C. AP Chemistry, AP statistics.
AP US history, World history, English language, US Govt,MAcro Economics
AP Computer Science principles, AP CS A

I have A- and B+ equally in these. Overall GPA.  3.61 UW and 4.2 Weighted.

Taken 7 AP tests and cleared all. two 5s, four 4s and one 3.

SAT 1370 and waiting for the result this week for the next one.

I want to Major in Civil/Mechanical Engg and Minor in CS.

What are my chances with RHIT EA? thanks.

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Additional info. No Financial aid needed. Parents want to provide for full college.

My son submitted EA here … fingers crossed.