Rose-Hulman RHIT Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Following this thread. We are in the same position. Have you heard anything re scholarships?

Just talked to Rose. Fin Aid/scholarship info is supposed to be in portal at end of day today. We shall see!


I got an email that the financial aid has been posted with a link to the portal.

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Son got $25K in merit, with another $2.5K for doing operation Catapult, and a ~$10K grant that I assume is need-based. So ~$38K in gift aid.

We are happy because that puts us right at our EFC (when you add in the federal loans). I assume they did that intentionally.

He’s applied for Tuition Exchange, and that would be $41K, which is not far off this offer. He would need them to stack aid on top of TE for it to win out over his public options, so we are crossing fingers that he’ll hear good news on that later.

He’ll also be applying for the Noblitt scholars program, which gives a totally unpredictable (??) amount of merit aid from small to huge.

I hope others got similarly good offers – I feel like this one was pretty generous, and we’re pleased.

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What is a “grant?” Is that need?

A grant is need-based and does not need to be repaid.


My son also got the 25k Rose-Hulman Merit Scholar award, which is under Estimated Gift Aid. Will have to check closer to see if there’s anything saying the award is for all four years.

Rose merit awards are for each year. 25k=100k total. Merit awards also do not require a minimum gpa to keep them.

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Thanks. Should we not get concerned with it being listed under “Estimated Gift Aid”?

Not a concern. That is the way it is listed on the Financial Aid Notification. Expected $ amounts are broken out by quarter.
Need-based aid is determined by the FAFSA.


I believe the merit scholarship is for all 4 years. The grant amounts awarded (since they’re need based) may change, depending on your FAFSA for each year.

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