Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research

Hello! Has anyone attended or got accepted into the Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research? What was it like? Does it add any weight into college admissions? Also, how long after submitting the application do you know if you got in or not? Thank you!

I’m a High School Junior whose a senior this fall and I gained admission into Rosetta Institute’s Cancer Program. I found out about two weeks after I applied. Did you get in ?

I did the Cell and Molecular Medicine Workshop. It was more of them just teaching, but not inclined towards the students doing research. Let me know if you have any questions!

I’m currently at UCB as a part of Rosetta’s Immunology program. I agree with ghermione that the program largely consists of the instructors giving lectures. Occasionally, there are some fun activities planned (the field trip to SF being the most enjoyable), but I honestly do get bored from time to time especially since the material is high-level. If you’ve taken AP Bio, then this course is definitely for you. It will help you advance your knowledge in molecular biology. However, without the pretext of AP Bio, you’re likely to be lost.