Ross Freshman Applicant - Too Late?

As of Fall 2018, Ross will be taking preadmits as its main way of recruiting students. I am about to be a freshman next year at UMich in the fall and haven’t applied as a preadmit. What I’m confused about is if it is too late to apply to Ross as a freshman applicant or will next year be the last year?

The Fall of '18 is actually the semester that the first large preadmit class (recently admitted) will be Sophs at Ross (they actually take a course or two as Freshman though.)

If you didn’t apply for preadmission this year, you will be able to apply during the Winter '18 semester to begin at Ross in Fall of '18. (Only at Michigan does Winter precede Fall :))

Because they will be taking fewer “regular” admits for Fall of '18, the admission rate is likely to fall from the 37% or so they’ve seen the last couple years. However, no one can be sure on the competitiveness because those that applied pre-admit cannot apply again next Winter.

@wayneandgarth You are still able to take the courses that Ross preadmits are taking as a freshman correct? I think it is just Econ 101 or something.

Even though they are taking less people sophomore transfer, preadmits who were rejected are not allowed to reapply, so there will be less people applying.

@ilywario look at the requirements in this link. You can find almost any information like this on Michigan links. If you can’t, don’t be afraid to call and ask.

Thanks. I called the undergraduate admissions for Ross today and yesterday and they weren’t picking up. Maybe it’s the wrong place though lmao

Ross is a three-year program that starts in the student’s sophomore year. Freshman year is spent in another U-M school, like LSA or Engineering.

Ross takes applicants in either one of two ways:

  1. Apply during your senior year in HS, along with your regular application to U-M. If you are admitted to U-M, then the Ross school will look at your application to Ross. If you are admitted to Ross, you spend the first year the other U-M school you applied to initially — usually LSA – then start the Ross program in the fall of soph year. As of the admissions cycle that just ended (for students who will be freshmen fall 2017), this will be the primary method through with Ross students are admitted.

  2. Apply while you are a freshman at U-M. The application becomes available second semester of your freshman year. A small proportion of the incoming Ross class (which starts soph year) will be admitted via freshman-year application. If admitted, you start Ross your soph year along with the people who applied to Ross as HS seniors. NOTE: You can submit an application during freshman year ONLY if you did not apply to Ross in HS.

If you are going to U-M as a freshman in 2017, you will use method #2. There are no guarantees, though. If you feel you MUST go to an undergrad business school, go someplace where you are already admitted to business school or where business school entry can be assured.