Roxanne A. Allison

<p>Has anyone with Roxanne as their counselor heard yet? I'm in CA.</p>

<p>Yes. Daughter was postponed about two weeks ago. Her stats were definitely not on
the high end as I have seen for those who have been accepted. It’s still (probably) her
top choice although she has felt a bit bummed about being postponed. Good luck.</p>

<p>idylldancer- when did your daughter apply by? And if you don’t mind me asking, what were your daughter’s stats?</p>

<p>Daughter applied October 10th online and I think her scores/transcript were received a week later. Unweighted GPA 3.62 (upward trend) and ACT composite of 28. She is a competitive cheerleader with a bunch of leadership for her two teams. She still hopes to get in to Wisconsin but it seems her stats are definitely on the lower side.</p>

<p>Hey there Wiscoplease.</p>

<p>I have Roxanne as my counselor. I had my application in on 10/22 and all materials were received by 11/1. I just was notified of my admission last night and was accepted.</p>

<p>So it looks like they’re moving pretty quickly over there. I’m in California as well, Southern Cali.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, my stats are definitely on the lower end, but I’m a recruited athlete, so I’m hoping that will help. I’m glad people have started to hear!</p>

<p>SamSam - I lived in Irvine for 10 years - sure miss that great weather! We are supposed to get hit with a snowstorm tomorrow night here in Madison.</p>

<p>Oh yeah!? Well, we’re supposed to get cold weather going as low as 56 degrees tonight! Sheesh stop complaining. :)</p>

<p>Totally kidding. I’m super excited that I got in, and can’t wait to actually experience some seasonal change!</p>

<p>oh that’s so weird! I did competitive cheerleading last year for the first time, and it was a ton of fun! what level is she? I also got a 28 on the ACT. I really hope that she ends up getting in!</p>

<p>Daughter has been on her competitive cheer team for 4 years and this year the team is a level 5. It is such a demanding activity with a ton of travel, both in-state, and out-of-state.
I really hope she ends up getting in. It was her first choice and even though she has added a
bunch of schools to the list, I think she would love to go Wisconsin more than than the rest- she seeks a “very spirited” school with many science options. I wish we could hear something before mid-March so we can come and visit. She doesn’t want to visit schools until she is accepted.</p>

<p>oh funnn! I was on a Level 5 team last year and qualified to Worlds, which was actually the best experience ever! Good luck to her team! That must be really hard since it’s her first choice:/ My first choice is the University of Washington since I live in Washington, so I’m sure she feels the same way about UW-Madison as I do about the University of Washington! I can only imagine how hard that is having to wait AGAIN to see if she ends up being accepted. Maybe if you bug them enough they’ll get tired of you and let her in, haha. I’m not sure how close to home she wants to stay, but University of Washington is a strong school for science/engineering and also has a TON of school spirt. Just a thought! Best of luck to her!</p>

<p>My counselor is Roxanne, and I just got accepted tonight! I had everything submitted by October 28th and I live in Washington.</p>

<p>Former L5 Male cheerleader here, in-state, had 28 ACT. Can’t remember unweighted GPA, weighted was 3.9ish. Got in. Good luck all.</p>