RSI 2019

for LORs, what should I do since I have worked in more than 1 lab?
They only allow you to have 3 LORs

@8thgradekid I worked in 2 different labs before applying to RSI, so I had one rec from each PI and the third from my chem teacher.

@GoBears2023 I have a list of free summer programs. :slight_smile: The Jackson Lab SSP is a 10-week summer research program in genetics/genomics held in either rural Maine or Connecticut. It accepts both high school juniors/seniors and college undergraduates but only takes about 50 people each year so it’s very difficult to get into, especially as a junior (though it’s not unheard of). I definitely think it’s very prestigious, plus you get paid $5250 (!) for participating, so if you have time it’s definitely worth a shot applying. Here’s their website:

@EiPi In terms of research difficulty, it might actually be more difficult considering SSP is 8 weeks of research whereas RSI is only about 4 weeks (with lectures and presentations not included). The reason RSI is more difficult overall is because of the really compressed time to research, write a paper and present, plus all the events they schedule in between.

@8thgradekid Definitely make sure you have 2 teacher recommendations. If you want to use the third LOR, ask the lab you feel knows you best (i.e. the most recent one). Don’t forget to send a request to your counselor so they can submit your transcript.

@OleColtrane thanks for the response. Do you think it is ok if I get a recommendation from my Calc AB and also Calc BC teacher, I had one in 9th grade and the other in 10th grade (currently TAing for the BC teacher)?

@EiPi If at all possible I would try to get recommendations from teachers in different subjects to show what you’re like in other subjects besides math. They can still be STEM teachers; if I remember correctly I got mine from my science research teacher and AP Bio teacher. I would choose the BC teacher and pick someone else for the 2nd recommendation (ideally someone also from 10th grade, you want these to be as recent as possible).

@OleColtrane why do you say that students should have at least two teacher recommendations?

@Olympiadmom The more the better. Also, the AOs can get two perspectives on the student as well!

@Olympiadmom @8thgradekid The point is to capture as many different perspectives as possible in the recs. Teachers in different subjects will generally do that best, but if you think the lab PIs will present different/unique perspectives then feel free to use them instead.

Ok, I seem to be missing something in the application. How are the recommendation letters submitted. I heard someone say that the teachers have to create their own login to upload the recommendation letters. Is it true?

lol! found the answer to my own question

Do I have any chance?



  • Washington, Private 1:1 School for GT/2E (~80-100 students in total)
  • White Male


  • ACT: 36 (36M/36R/36E/35S, 10th grade - Feb 2018, first try)
  • SAT: 1530 (770M/760E/15 Essay, 10th grade - Dec 2017, first try, didn’t study)
  • APs: 5 Physics C Mechanics (9th grade), 5 Calculus AB (9th grade), 5 Calculus BC (10th grade, 5 AB subscore), 5 Statistics (10th grade, self-study), 5 Physics C E&M (10th grade), 4 Chemistry (10th grade)
  • SAT Subject Tests: Predicted 800 Math 2 (11th grade - Dec 2018), Predicted 790-800 Physics (11th grade - Dec 2018)


  • GPA: ~3.96 UW, ~4.65 W
  • Non-AP College/College-level Classes: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (10th grade), Introduction to Complex Analysis (10th grade), General Biology (summer after 10th grade), Modern Genetics (11th grade)


  • Clubs: Rocketry and Aerospace Club (at local college, HS doesn’t have many clubs, we build and launch rockets), Physics Club (again at local college, activities include designing and building an air laser), Study Hall (I guess it technically counts as a club)
  • Hobbies: Origami (have folded ~250-fold pieces and designed some of my own, might try to submit a CP or two to OrigamiUSA for publication), Self-Studying Higher-Level Math & Physics (taught myself MVC/VC, DiffEq, LinAlg, Topology, Differential Geometry, Variational Calculus, PDEs, and Lagrangian Mechanics using textbooks and online resources), Cooking/Baking
  • Research: Probably going to start this month (Bioinformatics/Computational Biology)
  • Accolades/Achievements: Schoolwide Pi Recitation Champion (9th grade, 10th grade), AP Scholar With Distinction (LOL)
  • External Programs: RCYS Summer Stretch (summer after 9th grade, Number Theory), and a bunch of things from 6th & 7th grade (I don’t know if they would be considered)

Computer Experience:

  • Operating Systems: Regularly use Windows, occasionally use Android and Debian Linux. Can use BASH and Command Prompt.
  • Tools/Programs: Major projects completed using Inventor, Maya, OpenSCAD, UE4, Excel, and Blender.
  • Programming/Markup/Style Sheet Languages: Major projects completed using C++, Python, Java, Javascript, CSS, HTML, LaTeX, and BASIC. Limited experience with SQL and PHP. Created a mod for The Witcher 3, which now has over 62000 downloads, using the (utterly useless for everything else) Witcher Script language.

Work Experience:

  • None

can you all tell me if it’s even worth applying with my stats, bc i know this is crazy hard to get into and i don’t wanna waste a ton of time.

private school in california
middle eastern/indian female

psat (10th grade): 1350 but we’re hoping it’ll be higher this time around
sat math subject test: 790
sat chem: 730 (whoops)
spanish ap: 4

apush (or my schools version bc we don’t have aps)
ap calc bc
h phys (technically an ap too)
spanish lit

science internship program last year, did an astrophysics project and presented at the sigma xi conference
varsity soccer
club field hockey (varsity freshman year at old school)
model un (just started this year, first year my school had a club)
technical theater

computer experience:
python (learned it in my internship last year), however this was largely self taught as my mentor didn’t help us too much w learning how to code.

alright so be as harsh as you want if you really dont think this is worth applying to for me. thanks!

It would be extremely difficult to get in from Cali with those test scores (particularly if the Math subject test is Math 1 rather than Math 2), but you’ll have a much better shot if you can improve your PSAT. With that said, there’s no real reason not to apply unless you think you could otherwise use that time better. If you have a compelling story and can convince the AOs that you deserve to be admitted, you might get in. The application guidelines note that “Lower scores must be offset by strong indicators of mathematical, scientific, and academic potential exemplified in recommendations, high school grades, and science activities.”

thanks! my subject test is math 2, sorry i probably shoulda said that, but i guess we’ll see how my psat goes then decide!

What are my chances?

public school in Maryland
Asian female

SAT (9th): 1450 (didn’t study, could def do better)
PSAT (10th): 1500
APs: AP Calc BC (5), AP Stats (5), AP Comp Sci (5), AP Gov (5)
Math II: 800
GPA: 4.0 uw, 4.47 w (9th/10th), 4.88 w (11th)

Junior Year classes
AP Physics 1/2, AP Chem, AP Lang, AP World, Calculus 3
I also take a lot of classes at community college. I’ll be receiving my Computer Science A.S in June 2019 (I know Java and C++ v well, also took Linear Algebra)

Leader of 2 major community service projects at my school
Secretary of Science National Honor Society
member of Math Team/Math HS, but haven’t won any major awards :frowning:

I feel like my stats are relatively good and I could probably write some decent essays + get some good LORs. However, I don’t have any research experience or major awards. How much does that factor into decision?

For everyone applying to RSI, you should also consider applying to Simons. Even though it isn’t as prestigious (what is more prestigious than RSI?), the program is very well-run and I’d say that the research you conduct at Simons rivals anywhere else (more ISEF/Siemens finalists and semifinalists than RSI :D)

@mosescuh Yeah, one of my friends went to Simons and ended up going to MIT. It’s definitely up there as one of the best programs, and doing Simons versus RSI doesn’t mean you won’t get into a great school. I also agree that the research they do there is more sophisticated and detailed than what happens at RSI, considering they have more than 4 weeks to do their project. XD

Any place we could probably find some successful RSI personal statements? It would definitely be helpful to see what format they are looking for.

@nvb123 it’s unlikely you’ll find actual essays, because many Rickoids repurpose them for college applications. That being said, I had found the RSI topic on Quora helpful, just to make sure I addressed all the nuances of the prompts.

@nvb123 There generally isn’t a specific format they’re looking for; as long as you answer the prompt and keep it focused you’ll be fine. I even twisted the prompt around a little for one of the essays so I could use it to tell a college essay-style story and that worked well. Just answer it in the way that seems most natural to you. @taehyung is right that you’ll be hard pressed to find sample essays online, but I personally don’t think they’re necessary. I didn’t look at any sample essays or guides and I turned out alright. :slight_smile: