RSI 2019

@testtest123123 yes they are.

@nvb123 I’m in the same boat. Do they want us to talk about non-research for one and research for the other or mix in a bit of both stem and non-stem for both prompts?

I definitely am not as skilled as everyone else :confused: can someone chance me?
Indian Female from NJ
PSAT - 1490 (760 M, 730 RW)
AP Scores - 5 on AP Chem and APUSH
current APs - Physics 1, Bio, Lang
GPA - 4.0/4.0 (UW)
SAT Subject Test - 760 (Chem)

  • NO coding/computer knowledge
  • Placed Bronze at the county science fair for behavioral sciences category
  • this year I'm doing research with E. coli and their tryptophan production, but I can't really talk abt it because I'm starting the research the day the application is due...
  • Head of engineering notebook for my robotics team, and we just qualified for states
  • Secretary of Key Club
  • Volunteer at the science museum in my city (170+ hours) and at local hospital (60+ hours)
  • National Honor Society
  • Math Club
  • Dancer
  • Tutor
  • Have a few awards for having the highest average in math/science classes

Honestly, should I even apply? or would it be a waste of the $65?

Definitely still worth the shot to apply!

Ah, I’ve been stalking this page for a few days now. I’ve been having the same conundrum as @nvb123 and @8thgradekid about those two prompts. But personally, I’ve just been writing about the extracurricular activities that I’ve devoted much of my time to. Most of them don’t necessarily fall into STEM, but I think I focus more on that on the second prompt about long-range goals. I do think it’s important to show that you’re a leader, though, no matter what activity it is. I’ve been reading past Quora posts and such and everyone is stressing the importance of being a leader in the community.

Not too sure if my two cents really matter, but I hope it’s at least a little helpful?

Hi all- chance me?

I am a sophomore who has won a Broadcom Masters and went to nationals in 6th grade. Also received a gold medal at states and Naval award. 7th grade went to states again for another research project and got an award in women’s engineering and silver. 8th grade another engineering award and environmental science award. I also go to an elite boarding school?? Have done STEM classes, first an environmental project and then math where I was able to discover a new theorem(long story). Also was on a robotics team.
I also went to a Brown environmental/research camp last summer- started a campaign in my town that is doing well…

I’m taking AP physics for science but I’m worried about math- only Honors Trig??
I don’t have my PSAT scores out yet- I have an A in every class so far.
I’m worried I’m not experienced enough?

Also the robotics team went to states

Also the robotics team went to states

@studyinnnnggg Just curious, are you applying this year or next year because to apply to RSI you have to be a junior. Or are you planning on graduating early, because I think they make exceptions in that case.

Oh this is for next year- I’m just planning ahead lol

hi guys i just came across this chat and i was wondering if anyone knows what sorts of things we’re supposed to talk about in the long range goals section? I’m kind of confused how we’re supposed to write 5000 characters on it??

Hello, would you recommend that I use up all of the character counts for the RSI response questions like the personal statements?

@recvolleyball I didn’t do any research to find the questions I wrote about; I just used my knowledge of the field to decide what some of the most important questions were.

@nvb123 @8thgradekid @minimalist Just write about your most important ECs, whichever you think are most significant. While there should be some STEM/research ones, writing about non-STEM ECs definitely shows that you do other things too. For example, I wrote about some of my orchestra and chamber music activities as well as the STEM clubs I lead. Whatever seems most natural to you is what you should write about.

@michigox I wrote chemistry for the main field and biochemistry for the subfield and wrote about that in my essay; biochem can really be considered either biology or chemistry so I wouldn’t worry too much about that.

To everyone: don’t worry so much about whether what you’re doing is right! You should try to represent yourself and your achievements, interests, passions, etc. as much as possible, so what other people do may not match what you do. Chances are what makes the most sense to you is the right approach, so there’s no need to ask so many questions about how to answer specific parts of the application. I just filled it out to the best of my ability without knowing any more than what was on the application itself. Answer the questions, show your passions, and above all be yourself. That’s what they’re looking for, after all, so relax a bit. :slight_smile:

are chemistry and chemical engineering considered different fields

Hey guys, new here to CollegeConfidential. To those who have gotten in, how much do grades/ap scores count toward the decision? I currently have around like a low 3.9 unweighted and a bunch of 4s (ouch!), but i have won at ISEF with home-projects (4th/3rd places soph/fresh year, respectively). I dont want this to be a chance me but like how bad will the grades/aps bring me down?

Also will me not doing research in a lab (outside of doing stuff at home) bring me down?

@OleColtrane I have done research with 2 universities but my research isn’t published yet. One of my papers is most likely going to published by summer (too late for RSI). How much will not having published research impact me? Did most of your peers at RSI have published research?

@testtest123123 I would consider chemistry more of a main field and chemical engineering more of a subfield.

@andrewdaman1 Assuming your school uses a 4.3 unweighted scale, a 3.9 is very good. Your AP scores won’t be too much of a problem, imo. Not having university research isn’t too much of a problem either as long as you do research or STEM work somehwere.

@EiPi If you have university research and can describe it on the application that’s perfectly fine. Not having publications isn’t too important; while I don’t know how many people at RSI had been published prior to attending, I know it’s not as important as showing that you’ve committed yourself to research.

Now that I’m seeing, it looks like people are not being too specific with the research field choice. I’m a bit worried that I am very specific in my interests, as I’ve specified my general field choices as neuropsychology and computational biology. My subfields respectively are neuroeconomics/decision neuroscience and human connectomics.

I’ve have a strong understanding of these topics and have previous experience with them, so I have written thoroughly about them in my reaction. Could you give some feedback about my choices, are they appropriate for RSI? Are they different enough, as I’ve seen some people doing very different topics like biology vs chemistry.

Sorry, I meant that I have written thoroughly about these topics in my essays.