@EiPi If you want an adrenaline rush you can do what I did and write one of the essays the night it’s due and then submit at 11:45pm.
@classified400 No, only high school transcripts are needed. (Here’s a little secret: your middle school transcripts won’t ever be used for anything. People don’t really care about your middle school grades… :P)
@nikibanana I can’t say for sure, but I think you’ll be ok without them.
Here are my ACT scores? Should I submit both or leave it out (I have good PSAT)
ACT 1: 34 - 36 E, 31 M, 36 R, 34 S & ACT 2: 34 - 36 E, 33 M, 36 R, 31 S
would RSI look at the 33 M & 34 S (best STEM subscores), or would they hold lower scores against me?
@OleColtrane Regarding transcripts, do we have to submit our 1st semester junior year transcripts? My school doesn’t update official transcripts until after Jan. 15, so I don’t think I can do this… Will this hurt me?
How advisable would it be to get one of the three recs from a social science teacher? (cuz my economics teacher knows me significantly better than many of the STEM alternatives)
what is the difference between the questions about describe your participation in extracurricular or community outreach activities and what activities demonstrate your leadership, creativity, and uniqueness?
Hey @OleColtrane
I have a huge problem on my hands and i wanted to ask you opinion on it (please be completly realistic but be real with the criticizm): so I want to study math but i got a B in math (because whatever i didnt study enough);
How can i tell RSI that this was like a fluke and that i have like ISEF awards and other things to show my knowledge in math?
So I have a pretty serious problem and would love any input from past RSI applicants. My high school isn’t very focused on academics per se, and its taken weeks to get my transcript, to the point where I don’t think I can get it by the January 15th deadline. Will RSI still accept transcripts past the due date, and would that hurt my chances in any way? I have an unofficial transcript and report cards from 1st quarter (2nd quarter grades have not been finalized yet) that I can upload as a temporary fill-in if I don’t have my official transcript by then.
Also a quick essay question: should I include stuff like research internships in the ECs and community service prompt?
Does anyone know if RSI will take recommendations letters? I’ve been trying to get in contact w a teacher I did a program with, but he’s not getting back to me. I do have a form with my grade in the course and his comments and stuff, so would that be enough? Thanks guys!
Also, what are RSI emails that I can use to contact them with?
For a lot of the questions people have been asking (whether or not your scores/experience/grades or lack thereof are good enough), don’t worry about it. Just focus on making the best application you can.
I am in the same situation as many of you in that my semester grades don’t come out until after the deadline, so I’m sure RSI will understand if our transcripts do not include Semester 1. @icecrasher I think they really would prefer STEM, but just do whatever teacher can give you the best recommendation. @helllpppp I talked about ECs in both, but I just highlighted how I have demonstrated leadership, creativity, and uniqueness in response to that question. @kls1021 Try emailing RSI. They respond within a day or so. In response to your essay question, I included that sort of thing in the ECs, so I would say go for it! @Anonymousia If you can’t get into contact with him, find another person to give you a letter of recommendation. There’s contact information for RSI if you go to the front page of your application.
Can anyone answer my questions? Particularly @OleColtrane since you have experience:
Do we have to submit the application for the recommendation requests to go through? My teacher says he hasn’t gotten an email yet.
Also, is the “status” on the references page accurate? Mine is still showing as “requested”; has anyone’s teacher submitted already and hence, prompted the status to update itself perhaps?