Running out of time... and money.

<p>Not sure if I'm posting in the right section. I apologize in advance if I am.</p>

<p>I am what one would call a "super senior." I've been on and off at college for 7+ years now. I am 24 with nearly all my general education classes fulfilled but hardly an major classes fulfilled. Unfortunately, I never cared much for education when I was younger. I daydreamed through middle and high school, and most of college, not really having any goals or motivation to strive for excellence in any given field. Right now I <em>am</em> a Philosophy major. In fact, I enjoy it more than anything else, academically speaking. However, after researching the topic of how "practical" a phil degree is in terms of job prospects, the results I found weren't very motivating. </p>

<p>I am about 40k in student debt atm, and by the time I graduate, it will most likely be double that.</p>

<p>I am playing with the idea of majoring in computer science. I am no math genius, but I can see the practicality in such a major, and think it would be an interesting and noble pursuit at the same time. It will take longer(~5 years) to obtain than a phil degree(~3 years) because I'd have many more prerequisites to fulfill such as pre-calc before calc, or comp sci 101 before comp sci 102. Furthermore, since I've already taken all my gen ed courses, I don't think it would be wise for me to take, for example, 3 comp sci courses and 1 math course each semester as I think that would be incredibly demanding and I might end up hurting myself rather than helping. Therefore, I'll probably end up taking around 2-3 courses each semester instead of going full time, further increasing my time spent in school.</p>

<p>I should probably mention that I have no CS experience. I don't know how to code or anything like that.</p>

<p>So my question is, should I pursue my degree in phil and risk unemployment when I graduate? Or should I take on a lot more student debt with a better chance of getting hired when I graduate? I feel like I'm stuck here. It's either massive student debt, or unemployment when I graduate...</p>

<p>TL;DR Should I major in philosophy or computer science with the latter putting me in massive debt?</p>