<p>How does rutgers do its admissions?
do they send them out seperately? if so how far apart? or do they send them just as one email? cause i got into Rutgers - Camden, but i should def get
into Rutgers - New Brunswick too, but i only got an email from rutgers camden.</p>
<p>Rutger-New Brunswick is harder to get in to than Rutger-Camden…</p>
<p>well i know that…i’m not that dumb
but i was wondering how they notify you of your admission</p>
<p>to the top</p>
<p>check the rutgers application site</p>
<p>you should see bolded words “YOU ARE ACCEPTED” at the top or something like that.</p>
<p>usually they send an email in the next couple days along with some mail</p>
<p>i think rutgers does its application process by formula; how else would they be so fast?</p>