Rutgers - Priority Deadline

<p>As an in-state student, I am sending in my application and transcript on Monday (Nov. 28th). The deadline is Dec. 1st. College Board says they won't receive my SAT scores until mid-December. Should I worry? Some people are telling me not to "because you're in-state". </p>

<p>May someone PLEASE clarify this all for me?</p>

<p>I have the same problem but I sent my SAT and transcript on Wednesday (Nov 23). Why the hell does it take college board 4-5 weeks to send SAT scores and every college that I applied to is in NJ</p>

<p>Pay the extra money for rush service. It sends Rutgers an electronic grade report AND the traditional paper grade report. My experience is that Rutgers receives the electronic one in four days or less. Plus, being a huge university they lose things quite often. Send doubles of everything.</p>

<p>"Plus, being a huge university they lose things quite often."</p>

<p>That is soooo true. They lost my friend's SAT scores TWICE.</p>

<p>they have recieved my SAT scores but they haven't recieved my transcript which was sent 1 1/2 weeks ago</p>

<p>Just send another one in. They won't misplace two or three transcripts. I'm sure at least one of the three will turn up.</p>

<p>Hajduk, I'm in the same situation as you.</p>

<p>send sat scores twice? Do you know how expensive those things are?</p>

<p>It's all opportunity cost. Personally, I'd glady shell out an extra $30 for insurance purposes.</p>

<p>apparently, rutgers don't consider rush scores?</p>

<p>How would you know? You'd be surprised about the inside workings of Rutgers.</p>

<p>Did you know they can generate your index score based on only your SAT? A lot of schools that say they don't rank actually do. If your school didn't rank, how come Rutgers magically knows how much $ in scholarship they will give to those students who come from schools that supposedly don't rank. I come from one of those schools.</p>

<p>They give scholarships to anyone who has a decent SAT score and is in the top 15% of their class. They can used the top 15, 10, 5% to approximate someone's GPA and then factor in SATs and generate an INDEX SCORE for the those applicants.</p>

<p>I called them to ask, and they told me not to rush scores. Thank god I had an earlier score report with them, if not I wouldn't have made the Dec 1 deadline.</p>

<p>2 of my friends freaked out after I told them, and called the office to check because they rushed all their scores earlier. I don't know what goes on inside, but the person said that they reviewed the regular score reports that comes slightly later than the rushed scores, but they didn't consider the rush scores because they were afraid that the scores could be tampered with (??), I didn't know quite understand how that worked, but that's what they say.</p>

<p>juz a note. alot of state universities don't take rushed scores. don't quote me on that but PSU, UoM, UNC did not want them rushed.</p>

<p>I rushed my scores to Rutgers, and they accepted them, as far as I know... it says on the website that they have recieved my SAT scores, so I'm assuming that means they've taken them as valid. However, I sent my transcript two weeks ago, and it doesn't say that they have recieved that yet.</p>

<p>Saw my acceptance online last night, but I know they didn't get my SAT scores from the College Board until after 12/1. Anyone know if scholarships are only awarded to students who have all their application materials in by 12/1? I missed by a couple of days, I think, but I know I'm eligible for some academic scholarships based on the criteria on Rutgers' website.</p>

<p>It's not my first choice, but I'm seriously considering it if they offer me scholarship $$$!</p>

<p>Website is kind of murky about scholarship eligibility and the priority date.</p>

<p>Yea...I got my acceptance notification as well, but no mention of scholarships....</p>

<p>How do you find out what scholarships you got?</p>

<p>You should receive a letter. I'm not sure if it is in your acceptance packet, or a separate letter because I never got one. Hahahaha.</p>

<p>you can also use this link to find out what scholarship money you're eligible for: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>also, in terms of the SAT scores, I would call if you're unsure if they have them or not. Because my status sheet wasn't updated completely prior to it showing that I was accepted (this morning!)... so if you really need to check you might want to call them.</p>

<p>but my school doesn't do class how would I know which scholarship I get???</p>

<p>Your school doesn't disclose your rank to you. But they do to Rutgers. Any school that says they do not rank is lying (ie. my school).</p>

<p>hey so i just called rutgers asking about the priority deadline and they said that you have to submit your application by dec 1, have your SAT scores requested to be sent by Dec 1, and fill out the SRAR by dec 1 as well. as long as you requested to have your scores sent before dec 1, then it doesnt matter when they receive them, youre still priority. same with the SRAR. because i ran into the same problem, RU didnt get all my materials until dec 7 and i was freaking out haha but its all good :)</p>