Rutgers Vs. Fordham for Pre-med

I got accepted to both of these schools and am currently deciding between the two. On one hand Rutgers gave me more financial aid than Fordham and will be significantly cheaper than Fordham, but I love Fordham and it has been my top pick. I just want to know which school could be the better choice for a pre-med program like what the pros and cons are and which is most likely to better prepare me to get into Med school because i am completely torn between the two.

Pre-med…Rutgers. Lower net price…Rutgers. The choice should be clear. But, if your top pick is Fordham, that’s a different story. Have you visited both schools several times to compare? Also, pre-med at Rutgers, then you must have applied to a program such as Global Health, 4+4 or 4+3 hence higher SAT and perhaps Rutgers Honor College, is that right?