<p>I don't think Bowdoin is a good match here given your SAT's and AP scores. I second SBMOM's advice, look for a great school in the next tier down.</p>
<p>" I know so many kids at BU/ NYU who couldnt get into Williams with a 10 million dollar donation."</p>
<p>lol, stop kidding. with a 10 million dollar donation, any NYU kid can get in Williams. (10 f****** MILLION, just start to give williams 1 million a year when you are 8 years old. by the time you are 18, you've given them 10 million dollars. now, they fear that if they reject you, you may stop giving money to them....if you are accepted, they presume you will continue to give 1 million or even more a year until you die. that's like 80 million dollars totally. Williams's gotta be stupid to reject you.</p>
<p>The reason Bowdoin is a match is because you dont have to submit SAT. Untitled, okay maybe with 10 million haha.</p>
<p>I would look at Sarah Lawrence and Hampshire for options. Both have a more liberal approach to academics, are offer a less cut-throat atmosphere.</p>
<p>Also, I have known some gay students who have felt very comfortable at those colleges.</p>
<p>You should look at Marymount Manhattan, a co-ed, 2,500 student LAC. The current president has dramatically turned this school around in the last 5 years. No longer just a commuter school, they now have some of the great Theater and Dance programs in the Northeast, along with a pretty decent film/communications program.
Because they are in Manhattan (E. 72 St.), you get to take advantage of all that the city has to offer. You GPA puts you in rage for merit scholarship.</p>
<p>I see more than occasionally that TCNJ is listed as a safety for students with 1100 or 1200 SATs and better than average grades.</p>
<p>TCNJ is is one of only 75 of Barron's "Most Competitive" schools, has an average SAT approaching 1320, accepts on average the top 7% of each class, and this past year accepted only 40% of the their applicants.</p>
<p>Students that go to TCNJ are deciding whether to foot an IVY League bill or choose the cheaper yet rigorous TCNJ, or are typically choosing between Villanova, Lehigh, NYU, Bucknell, Lafayette, and others of a similar nature.</p>
<p>For this particular student, I believe that Drew University may be a very good fit for his/her qualifications and aspirations.</p>