Hi, I’m a rising high school sophomore at a (somewhat underachieving) large public high school in Illinois. I just want to know what would be some good schools for me to think about, I’m a bit of an obsessive planner (lol.) My dream schools are either Brown or University of Chicago, and I’m planning on being a Political Science major. I just have no idea where are places I would a have an actually decent chance of getting into.
I have a 4.0 uw gpa, 5.5 w, and I’m going try to keep that up. I’m a top violinist in my school, district and area, and a member of a top youth symphony. This year, I realized that I don’t want to be a pro musician anymore, so I need to step up my game in terms of Ecs and courseload, which this year were super music heavy and pretty unbalanced. I fence outside of school if that helps. I took Algebra 2 trig H, Bio H, English 1 H, and Spanish 3 H, in addition to choir and orchestra, which ate up almost all my time. I’m volunteering this summer, adding a sport (badminton), model un, and am going to quit choir so I can actually take history like a normal person. I plan on taking 13 AP classes in the next 3 years, and doing tons of stuff in the community, like being the teen volunteer coordinator at my local historical society (if they would ever reply to my “so, when can I start?” email, haha.)
I like the idea of smallish schools, like 2000-6000 ish. I would like to be in/near a major urban area, or at least be accessible to one. I like diverse places, with interesting people. The idea of going to an almost entirely white, very upper class school does not appeal to me all. Any place with strong traditions and school pride sounds great to me. I also am pretty artsy and liberal. Any recommendations of schools that I would have a good chance of getting in, or just places you think I would like would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance!