You need to find schools that offer merit to great kids like you at your statistical range. Check out the university of Alabama. But also private schools like quinipiac Fairfield. Union providence college st anselms In by Plymouth state in New Hampshire Marquette temple Xavier. Duquesne in Pittsburgh. Also check out a school called Washington and Jefferson in pa. Mt Holyoke in mass. And I just read about university of Mary Washington in va. Been around a long time 4K students and 27k per year on average. So many. Just start the list and get into it. Pick a few states. Start with some names you know and read these threads
You need to chase the merit opportunities The schools all vary in size and vibe but all can be great experiences.
Treat this very seriously. Make a list. Sit at the computer and go through each one. Look at merit options on line if you like the school. Run the calculator on that’s schools site specifically.
Develop a list of 10 to 20 that you love. Look at the admitted student stats and look at realistically. Break them into yes maybe Hail Mary. Look at how much you want to spend on application fees and get to work on your favorites that are. Affordable. Definately a few in each category and do your best.