Saftey Schools

<p>I'm applying to MIT UVa Pennstate WPI RPI. For engineering and business could you guys tell me some safties to look into or other good schools that are in or within4-5 hours or NY. Could I also get some chances on the ones I am applying too?</p>

<p>97% GPA</p>

<p>I go to school in New York and therefore take the regents exams and alawys score in the high 90's</p>

<p>ranked 13 out of 649</p>

<p>Year ahead in math and science(always honors, physics was AP)</p>

<p>33composite on ACT</p>

<p>Involved in the Boy Scouts (currently working on eagle but it wont be done by the time I send my app)</p>

<p>Played lacrosse throughout high school (recieved athlete scolar award on varsity this past year)</p>

<p>Involved in many outdoor sports (rock climbing, ice climbing, canoeing, hiking, rafting, skiing)</p>

<p>My race is filipino (philipines)</p>

<p>WPI is your safety.</p>

<p>chances?? more safties??</p>

<p>your list looks good, maybe find a more competitive school than rpi but a less competitive school than uva to make your list complete</p>

<p>thats what I'm asking, like what lol</p>


<p>pleassee feedback</p>

<p>come on!! 62 views and no replies?!</p>

<p>HELLO??!!!! I am loking for some safties and if possible chances as well (MIT and PSU)</p>

<p>What is there a sign that says do not reply or you will die?? There are 112 views so far and one person has replied. This isnt turning out to be so helpful.</p>


<p>157:1 reply ratio</p>

<p>ok lets see how long i can bump this without getting a useful reply or how many views I can get without a reply.</p>

<p>208:1 and still rising</p>

<p>How about increasing your "match" school list to include:
Lafayette, Bucknell, Lehigh & Cornell?
I'm not an engineering expert - safeties don't pop out to me but you may want to look into LAC's that offer "3-2" programs, just a thought. Gettysburg, for example, has a 3-2 engineering program with Columbia, RPI and WashU (St Louis).</p>

<p>thanks ill look into them, the only problem with cornell is that I want a ussiness degree too and they onlyhave hotel stuff. anyone else?</p>

<p>Va tech as a safety for Engineering...not a competitive college but a top 20 engineering program. RPI is already a great choice for Engineering. why not UMICH for both Engineering and of both worlds.</p>

<p>u mich is too far away its out of reasonable driving distance, UVa is pushing it at 9 hours i know rpi is great and it wouldbe my top choice if it wasnt loceted 15 minutes from my house</p>