Adding one more:
and me.
Currently I’m leaning toward Bali Hai.
Adding one more:
and me.
Currently I’m leaning toward Bali Hai.
Works for me! I haven’t been there in a while but absolutely love the view!!
Bali Hai works for me. Our friend’s boat yard is by there. There is good parking!
I made reservations at Bali Hai for four at noon on June 9 because Open Table wouldn’t let me do five. I understand our numbers may change but always easier to adjust an existing reservation. I will call in a week or so and change to five. I asked for outdoors because it’s fun to sit right over the bay.
Everyone is welcome to stop by my house afterwards to sleep off Mai Tais! Or I can fire up the hot tub. I live about a five minute drive away.
The NYC Meetup thread inspired me to bump this and double check existing and potential additional interest. I also updated the thread title to show the actual date.
I still haven’t updated the reservation from four to five but should do it soon if we are definitely five for lunch.
@Marilyn - I’m still good for June 9th.
I wish my Dd was still in school in SD, then I’d have an excuse to fly cross country and join you all. I also loved the Bali Hai view.
I was not expecting to be in SoCal on June 9th, but plans have changed and I should be able to join you, if that’s okay. I will confirm tomorrow evening.
Great, hope you can make it!
Do we have a time yet?
I’m in, see you all then!
Hooray! I’ll start a PM over the weekend.
I started a PM; not sure if there is anyone one else out there interested?
Bumping to see if there are any more interested parties!
Successful friendly lunch overlooking the bay; wonderful to meet everyone.
I was the only one drinking, but also had a very short drive.
Our table being cleared on the upper deck right.
Harbor seal in lower left; helicopter upper right.
Terrific! Sounds like a great meet!
So fun! How many people?
I’m waiting for the group that takes a photo and posts it but everyone’s face has a emoticon over it so we can’t actually see them - maybe that will be the Michigan crowd!
We had five people - not large group but gave everyone time to talk.
I was able to join and really enjoyed it