SAO vs Gateway for Lawrenceville

Happy New Year!

My daughter submitted her Lawrenceville profile via SAO two months ago along with two other schools, but saw on the Lawrenceville website that they recommend applicants to use Gateway, instead. However, using Gateway means both she and us would need to write separate essays (this late in the cycle). Does anyone know if SAO vs Gateway impacts admissions chances at all?

Thank you so much!

No impact

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Thank you for your quick response!

That’s interesting, I also noticed that on their admissions tab. I think it would be better to ask an admissions officer why this is the case. However, I assume submitting through the SAO won’t affect your chances of being admitted.

It has been awhile, but my recollection, the SAO app has the same questions/essays for all schools. The Gateway app can sometimes include school specific essay or short answer questions (for example a question about what attracts you to a particular program at the school or a specific school mission or essay prompts that the school likes). But I don’t think you should do both since presumably each recommender and school guidance counselor will have to fill out two forms.

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I don’t think that’s the specific reason. Back when I applied, Lawrenceville was my only SAO school (out of 5) that didn’t have any supplements.

Either way, they only accepted SAO until at least four years ago, so you should be fine, OP.

If they say you can use either, they mean it. It’s not going to make you any less or more likely to get in if you switch to Gateway.

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Normally I would say that if they offer both, then there truly is no preference. But, you said that their website suggests a preference for Gateway. So I would probably email the AO and ask. They might suggest to send in an extra essay or something to address “why Lville” or something.

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Thank you for all your responses! My daughter will reach out to the AO to clarify.

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let me know what the AO says! I am also curious.

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to give you an update that the Lawrenceville admission office said there is no disadvantage to submitting through SAO. Hope this helps!

Happy Friday!