<p>Hey, does anyone know the testing dates for next year 2011-2012?</p>
<p>Hey, does anyone know the testing dates for next year 2011-2012?</p>
<p>[SAT</a> Registration - 2011 - 2012 SAT Test Dates - SAT Test Dates for 2011 - 2012](<a href=“http://testprep.about.com/od/registrationinfo/a/SAT_Test_Dates.htm]SAT”>2020 SAT Costs, Fees and Waivers)</p>
<p>For official date info, you can check [url=<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/sat-reasoning/register/test-dates]here[/url”>SAT Dates and Deadlines – SAT Suite | College Board]here[/url</a>] for the SAT (scroll down for next year’s dates) and [url=<a href=“ACT Registration | ACT Testing Dates | The ACT Test”>ACT Registration | ACT Testing Dates | The ACT Test]here[/url</a>] for the ACT (click on desired year).</p>
<p>thank you guys</p>