<p>Is anyone willing to share his/her rescore results? </p>
<p>What test(s) did you rescore?
Why did you decide to rescore?
How long did it take to get your results?
Did your score(s) increase or decrease?</p>
<p>Is anyone willing to share his/her rescore results? </p>
<p>What test(s) did you rescore?
Why did you decide to rescore?
How long did it take to get your results?
Did your score(s) increase or decrease?</p>
<p>I still haven't received my rescore results yet
Though, I asked for a rescore for my Bio M because they had scored it as Bio "E" which I had not taken. According to them it would take 4-6 weeks. 4 weeks down , 2 weeks left. I hope it would be an increase.
Anyone else?</p>
<p>i read one guy's post from a few weeks ago saying that he rescored cuz he did the wrong section of bio and his score increased from 680 to 780</p>
<p>good luck ilovebio!</p>
<p>Thank you peachsnapple, I am keeping my fingers crossed!</p>
<p>my score went up from 670 to 750. they just sent me a new score without any explanation... or our money back.</p>
<p>Anyone else?</p>
<p>Bump .</p>
<p>Bump .</p>
<p>They increased my score from a 670 to 750 in Bio Molecular too</p>
<p>Can I still get a rescore from last June? I didn't want to shell out the money then but I think they were wrong. And how long would it take? B/c I'm scheduled to take the same test this october 4th.</p>
<p>Do you mean like 2007? I don't think so because I guess that you can ask for a rescore upto 5 months after the test administration. If it is June 2008 (like me) then you can.
how long would it take
According to collegeboard it takes 3-5 weeks, but in my case they took a whole 6 weeks. Good luck if you are rescoring!</p>
<p>I got my bio rescored as well (graded biologyM as E)
went up from a 700 to an 800 :]
but no money back, they claim it's my fault.</p>
<p>Is Biology the ONLY subject test that successfully gets rescored?</p>
<p>Bump. Anyone hear of mix-ups between Math 1 and Math 2? My D checked the answers discussed on the threads here for Math 2 and was pretty sure she only got only about 5 wrong. With the curve for Math 2 being what it normally is, her score should have been in the mid to high 700s at least, but the score shows mid 600s.</p>
<p>In order to request score verification, do we need send CB a form or just phone to them and provide credit card information ???</p>
<p>You’ll have to call them and then they’ll either email or mail you a Rescore Request Form. In that you will have to provide your credit card no./check or whatever and the reason for your rescore. Then you’ll have to sit back and possibly relax for 6-7 weeks…</p>