SAT Saturday---Just started freaking out

<p>I was completely ready, relaxed, and confident for the SAT math section. Today in math class out of the blue we do a practice SAT math section. I had been getting -0, 1, or 2 on practices sections in the past. However, on this one, I flat out didn't know how to do 3 of them. I feel like my whole relaxed vibe is gone now. I have to relax, but I don't know how. Bad omens freak me out. Can anyone help me calm down?</p>

<p>You’re right that it is important to be relaxed. Think of the total number of practice sections you have taken, and how you have done. The one you just took was an anomaly. Matching your average score is far likelier than matching this single test.</p>

<p>Also, you should consider yourself LUCKY you just took this section. Now there were three problems you didn’t know beforehand, and you have had a chance to try them out and learn how to do them BEFORE the test. So you see, this test is a GOOD omen for you. :)</p>