SAT Scores Sent?

<p>I've already submitted my application for tech (only gotten 1 of the 3 emails, so far). I requested that collegeboard send my SAT scores a few weeks ago, and while under "requested recipient" it has VT, when I click on score send history it says that they haven't been sent. When I have access to the application status page, will it tell me if they have received the SAT's or not? Also, I took the SAT's earlier this month and I am wondering if it will automatically send those newer scores when they come in.</p>

<p>Yes, the application status page will tell you whether they have received your scores. If so then your scores will be listed on the page. And as far as I know collegeboard won’t send the updated scores untill you tell it to, unless you listed VT on your SAT when you took your SAT as being one of the colleges to send a free score report to.</p>

<p>Alright sweet…thank you</p>