SAT Subject Test Questions

<p>I was curious how much these are taken into account in college admissions?</p>

<p>I am taking the Physics test tomorrow. Last year, I took the Math I and the US History tests. I was initially pleased with a grade of 750 on Math, but realize that I could probably do better than that, as I am very strong in mathematics (I had a 780 on the SAT Math).</p>

<p>Is 750 a good score for someone looking to get into top colleges? And would it make sense to take the Math II in October to try to "improve" my Math I grade?</p>

<p>It would definitely be a good idea to prepare well for the Math Level 2 and to take that. See the threads about admitted students at some of the colleges you are interested in to see how many high SAT II scores some applicants bring to the table.</p>

<p>Agree with the above.
Because of the scaling, most people I've seen on these threads who take both the Math I and the Math II do better on the Math II.</p>

<p>^^^ I didn't take either math, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Math II only goes through precalc, so I wouldn't imagine the increased difficulty would present much of a challenge for CC kids, and then the more generous curve would improve their grade.</p>