SAT Test that I skipped

<p>I scheduled to take an SAT Subject test for Spanish in October. I decided at the last second, however, that I was done with SAT testing and I was content with what I had. So, I slept in that day, and didn't take the test.</p>

<p>On my score report at, it still says "SAT Subject Test - Spanish" and next to it "Score not yet received" or something like that. That blank score won't cause any problems when I send my scores to the UCs that I'm applying to, will it? Thanks.</p>

<p>It shouldn't cause any problems. They'll know you didn't take the test, and that's perfectly acceptable.</p>

<p>It says the same for me, i skipped October SATII's because i wasn't ready. I'm sure they'll know what it means.</p>

<p>I'll probably skip the december 2c and I was just wondering if this info will find its way into my score report... and I found this thread. lol, isn't CC just amazing!</p>

<p>so you guys say it doesn't hurt if it says "was sound asleep on that morning" on the report? and what if you ordered scores to be sent when you registered for a test that you later didn't show up for? collegeboard site doesn't say anything on that issue... I'm planning to call their hotline, I was really hoping to save $40 with my registration.</p>

<p>what exactly does it say under scores? mine says "not yet available", not "not yet received" under the scores column for the October test I skipped.</p>

<p>"Not yet available." That's what it says. I was just guessing off the top of my head what it said for my initial post..but yeah.</p>