SAT Video Games?!?

<p>SAT</a> prep services get into video games - Yahoo! News</p>

With SAT scores at their lowest level in years, two of the country's largest test-prep course providers are pairing with video game companies for the first time, to give students another way to practice for these oft-dreaded exams.


<p>Just emailed the article to S2. Now he'll know there will be at least one gift under the tree at Christmas ;)</p>

<p>This is absolutely retarded...</p>

<p>Sounds.. fun?
Maybe the SATs just got harder..</p>

<p>The SAT iPod game is pretty good. I thought I at least learned something from the practice tests and it's convenient</p>

<p>Nintendo DS gamesoft for "SAT Writing"
You write essays, and the game computer will grade those!</p>

<p>... nah not gonna happen LOL</p>

<p>^ idk it might not be popular with the normal gamers out there but it is convenient lol</p>