SATs and LACs?

<p>Do most liberal arts colleges weigh SAT scores less heavily than large public universities? I am planning on applying to Reed College early decision in November with a good GPA, remarkable E.C.s, a compelling story, etc. I really doubt, however, that I'll be able to crack the 1850-1950 SAT range. I'm predicting that I'll recieve low 700 scores for reading comprehension and writing, but I have little faith in my ability to score well on the math portion. Can any of you offer up any encouraging words/stories/hearsay that might raise my moral? I know I'm not being very specific about my stats. and I'd be glad to elaborate if need be. I'd also be quite happy to entertain any thoughts about how the SAT is an inadequate gauge of one's ability to demonstrate critical thinking and abstract thought... -Derek</p>

<p>Well, LACs do look much more at your personal characteristics than GPA/SAT when compared to large universities. They will still look at it though, and everyone else applying to Reed will probably have higher. But it is not the only thing.</p>

<p>Practice all summer, and you can crack it in October. Just work hard. That is what I'll be doing.</p>