Wondering about day students at boarding schools with Saturday classes, was it a hard adjustment? I am not sold on having my child away so much. I know they try to sell it with the half day Wednesday but she will be playing sports so she’ll be with her team Wednesday, not her family.
If she’s playing sports, she’ll likely be with her team on Saturday, as well.
In our experience, it was a hard adjustment for us as parents, but not hard at all for our child!
At a boarding school, especially one with Saturday classes and sports, you have to buy in to the boarding 24/7 lifestyle, even as a day family, to get the most out of it.
Edited to add that the buy-in may come in stages!
@carpoolingma Did you find that the much longer vacation time helped to offset the Saturday classes?
Yes, I do. The Sat classes and longer breaks change the rhythm of your family life. However, its just different; and you adjust. To be honost, family dinners and other family times were different in the high school years when my older child was in public school as she got more and more involved in her extracurriculars. As I stated above, those changes were more for us parents than for the kids.
One thing I learned was that my BS kid really needs those long breaks to unwind. I had to change my mindset of always keeping my son busy during breaks to being ok wiht him lazing on couch, watching Netflix or playing video games to unwind. it used to drive me nuts but now I see he really needs that and after a few days of that he will go back to being active/seeking intellectual and social stimulation if I just let him get the downtime he needs. (Thank you @ChoatieMom for those reminders, especially the first year.)
@carpoolingma Thank you, sage advice! Off to research how much vacation each school gives
Definitely an adjustment. My son was not used to going to classes 6 days a week. He had only 1 day per week to sleep in. But you get used to it.
One of the biggest advantages to Saturday classes is that it teaches time management to teenagers. My son is now a freshman in college and found his first semester of college to be tame compared to boarding school.
To the OP: A couple of the schools we visited had rooms and/or arrangements for day students to stay overnight…this is popular on weekends, not only for Saturday morning classes. It is also convenient for athletics, performing arts, and parties :D/