Say a prayer for my mom

<p>What a lovely tribute to your mom, “Mom”. Now we know a bit more why you are so special and caring. Thinking of you and wishing you continued peace. </p>




<p>The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, m2ck. We who have been beneficiaries of your boundless generosity have been beneficiaries of your mom’s as well. Thanks, on this Thanksgiving, to both of you.</p>

<p>My sincere condolences. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman. Also sending prayers your way for you and your family.</p>

<p>We will all be with you over the next few days, thinking of you and your family. May all these prayers lift you up and fill you with strength.</p>

<p>Thank you for that lovely inside view into the life of an exceptional woman…</p>

So sorry to hear of your loss. Our prayers are also with you and your family. Your mom was a shining example to all of how we should live our lives. How lucky for us on this BBS that her legacy & her shining light live on in you. Thru you and all you contribute to parents and students here, we who never knew her, were also blessed by her work in this life.</p>

<p>Thank you all. Such very kind words. The funeral is in a couple of hours…we’re all just sitting around talking about last night. We had the Rosary last night with open casket. The mortuary did such a beautiful job with my mom…she looked absolutely gorgeous. Although my mom was 82, she was a “young 82” and always looked like she was in her 60s. I will post pictures later on my Facebook page.</p>

<p>May your Faith give you and your family comfort, Mom, to know that she is in a better place.</p>

<p>My condolences, m2ck. May your mother and father rest in peace.</p>

<p>m2ck, I have not been on CC in a while. I am saddened to read of your loss. It sounds like you have a strong family that shares many wonderful memories. </p>

<p>Thanks for thinking of us (CC members) as an extension of your support network.</p>

<p>What a blessing to have that time together at the end, and the comfort of her faith and yours. May you and your family be at peace, as your mother is. We’ll remember you in our prayers tonight.</p>

<p>The funeral was yesterday and it was a beautiful service. The church was filled with flowers and the singers were amazing. </p>

<p>We followed the casket (which was PINK for my mom who loved PINK! :slight_smile: ) to the song, “I can Only Imagine,” which is just so beautiful. [I&lt;/a&gt; Can Only Imagine (with lyrics) - MercyMe - YouTube](<a href=“I Can Only Imagine (with lyrics) - MercyMe - YouTube”>I Can Only Imagine (with lyrics) - MercyMe - YouTube)</p>

<p>Another beautiful song that was sung was “I Will Rise.” [Chris</a> Tomlin ’ I Will Rise’ - YouTube](<a href=“Chris Tomlin ' I Will Rise' - YouTube”>Chris Tomlin ' I Will Rise' - YouTube) </p>

<p>The priest knew my mom well so he was able to really tak about her. He even choked up a few times because my mom had been like a mom to him as well. My sister-in-law delivered a heartfelt eulogy at the end, and it speaks volumes that all the “in-law children” were sobbing along with the rest of us.</p>

<p>On Black Friday, my sister and I had to run to Costco to pick up a few things. As we exited the store, the employee that checks your receipt noticed my sister (who usually brings my mom) and asked, “Where’s mom?”). When we told her that my mom passed this week, the employee began crying. She came to the funeral. That’s my mom…she always made it a point to know various stores’ employees names and details of their lives. </p>

<p>When hospice wanted to move my mom out of the hospital near the end, her doctor refused and told us, “your mom is family to me. I’m not moving her. My office is here and I want to be able to be with her to the end.” Which he was…he also attended her funeral. (I hope my son becomes a doctor like him.)</p>

<p>There were just so many graces that have come this week. The chaplain priest at the hospital was the same chaplain that was there when my brother donated a kidney to my sister 10 years ago. This chaplain remembered us because he had donated a kidney to his own sister the year earlier. </p>

<p>As I mentioned above, the singers were amazing, but another grace came with that. We had contracted 2 musicians that both sing and play very well. When we arrived at the funeral, we saw that there were 5 musicians/singers. The three extra folks had contacted the 2 we had hired and arranged to perform with them because they had known my mom and just wanted to participate. Wow…we were so touched by their love for my mom. Their harmonized voices were heavenly. </p>

<p>Again…thank you all for all your words of support. We’re tying up the loose ends here, which some of you who’ve been thru this know how crazy that can be. My parents lived in the same house for 45 years and they have so much stuff!!! Some items have sentimental value, but most of the stuff is just “stuff”!! What do you do with it all?? :/</p>

<p>Wow, M2CK, your mother must have been a terrific person - it sounds like she touched many people and was loved by many. As sad a time as this is, it must make you feel good to know how much she was loved.</p>

<p>sounds like such a beautiful service- Take care-</p>

After my MIL died, all the siblings went through and put different colored sticky notes on the stuff they wanted (so the movers would know what went where). We let each of the grandkids pick something they wanted from Grandma & Grandpa’s as well.</p>

<p>The papers we all went through together after the service - not as grim as it sounds, because there are some fun memories. My best advice is to remember that you’re NOT hurting your mom’s feelings if you throw away something that she wanted to keep. </p>

<p>We put all the jewelry on the middle of the king sized bed and each DD and DiL picked in turn until it was gone. The best part was telling each other why we wanted each piece we chose.</p>

<p>Then we called a charity MIL had liked; they had an in-house garage sale (which they manned and ran - DH and I were just ‘there’), and at the end of the day they paid to haul away everything that didn’t sell. They got a donation (the proceeds) and we didn’t have to deal with the ‘stuff’ that’s just ‘stuff’. It was great.</p>

<p>Sounds like a wonderful service for your Mom, M2CK. After my dad’s passing, which was 20 months after my mom, I had to face the “stuff”, too. Many things I couldn’t bear to part with at the time, though I knew I needed to. I boxed it up and brought it home anyway. It took me several years to be able to let go of it, but I finally looked through it all again and let it go. I say if you think you want it, keep it and decide for sure later. As the executor of his estate, I know you have a lot to do closing down accounts, perhaps selling property and so on. I will continue to pray for your family.</p>