Say a prayer for my mom

<p>My mom had a stoke tonight that isn’t looking like she’ll recover from. She’s had strokes before, but has always been able to recover. However, tonight’s stroke seems to be too much to recover from.</p>

<p>I’m flying to Calif in the morning. </p>

<p>Please keep my mom in your prayers. </p>

<p>thank you.</p>

<p>Will do. God bless your mom and your entire family.</p>

<p>Sending our collective best to you and yours, mom, and praying for a miracle. You have blessed us in so many ways. May those blessings be reciprocated.</p>

<p>So sorry to hear this. Sending prayers your way.</p>

<p>I am so sorry to hear this…my prayers and thoughts are with you and your mom!</p>

<p>Your Mother and whole family are lifted up in prayer.</p>

<p>I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Safe travels.</p>

<p>Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.</p>

<p>prayers and positive energy being sent in your direction.</p>

You, your mom and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and your mom.</p>

<p>M2CK, so sorry to hear about your mother. My thoughts will be with you and your family. Safe travels.</p>

<p>Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way. Have a safe trip.</p>

<p>Sending healing thoughts to you and your family. Safe Travels.</p>

<p>My thoughts are with you and your family. Safe travels.</p>

<p>May God bless your mother and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.</p>

<p>more prayers for your mom and family…</p>

<p>Dear Father,
Grant m2 and her family the grace to lean on You throughout her mother’s recovery from this massive stroke. The stroke came suddenly, like a thief in the night. Now that it has come upon them, now that they have endured much, You alone know how to minister, restore and equip them for this battle in their life.
We are praying for mother’s health and quick recovery. We are praying that You deliver guidance of how to continue on with their lives now that this stroke has effected them beyond their control. We ask You, Heavenly Father, to not just teach them through these trying times, but how to recapture quality of life.
In Your name we pray- Amen</p>

<p>Praying for a miracle.</p>

Our thoughts and prayers are with you & your family.</p>