Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Maybe target marketing to special niche groups has gone a bit too far ?

BMW seems to be targeting getaway car drivers.

BMW has unveiled future technology which will allow drivers to change the exterior color of their cars.


Reminded of the saying, ā€œIf it takes that long to tell the story, it is definitely a lieā€.


Iā€™m hearing a lot of complaining but Iā€™m not hearing any suggestions of solutions. Maybe just maybe people are doing the best they can with the tools they presently have.


Dog with a bone comes to mind.

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Thank you Universe for his first grad school interview! Itā€™s so validating to have a top school show interest. Hereā€™s to more coming his way!


You sent a 90 year old home from the hospital without realizing sheā€™d been put on a drug that was outright dangerous given a chronic condition. Alone, no less!

Thank goodness she was smart enough to figure out why she had passed out. And lucky enough to have done it in bed.

I am furious and heartbroken.

Both of my sons are pretty bright and have all their teeth. I need to have an awkward conversation with the wife about who the real father is.

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Six people in a small waiting room. 3 with masks and 3 without. There are big signs saying the dealership will supply masks if asked. If for no other reason, out of consideration for others couldnā€™t people just put on a frigging mask? Ugh.


Covid-time causing or aggravating mental health issues in college students just got real. So thankful he is seeking out a therapist on his own initiative. But still spent the night tossing and turning.


Needed to print and sign promotion recommendation letters. One letter was difficult to write as I recommended with qualifications a colleague who has done only the minimum work required for her position. Sent that letter to the copy machine and immediately went to retireve it, but that colleague was at the copier and said I think this belongs to you. I donā€™t think she had time to read it all and she proably thought it was worse than it is. So, so awkward!!! Glad I am retiring this summer and wonā€™t have to work with her going forward. She is nice, but not exactly a mover and shaker.


At least youā€™re open and all out about how much you really hate men. Hope your D has an opportunity to be less rage filled. YKES!

Worst birthday in decades, and I donā€™t even celebrate them. My mother, who knows how I hate birthdays, had invited me and DH over for dinner. We drove up at the same time my ex-boss and his wife drove up. My mother had invited them and another guy (and wife) I used to work with. Without telling me. Because she knew I would have cancelled. What she didnā€™t know is that my ex-boss had fired the other guy and they donā€™t exactly have a good relationship. Both couples know I hate BDs and never celebrate mine, so Iā€™m not sure why they agreed to show up. It was just awful, and Iā€™m so, so angry at my mom who did this for herself, not me. She wants to celebrate my birthday and doesnā€™t understand why I donā€™t. Well this goes down in the books as an epic example.

At least our son had the good sense not to call me today, but he doesnā€™t even know when my birthday is. For a reason.


Oh my god, who in their right minds would pay over $50K a year to send a kid here? Or, worse, take out all the loans to pay for it themselves? I feel like I should hire a banner-tow plane to fly around with a sign saying NOT A REAL SCHOOL.

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Last project!

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I know its cliche but they donā€™t build them like they used to.

Bought our Maytag washer and dryer 34+ years ago and with some repairs here and there along the way they are still going strong.

Both the fairly new dishwasher and fridge are already having breakdowns. The newer stuff does fancier things but is it really worth it?


I didnā€™t think you could get any more condescending. This morning proves me wrong. It must be hard to be such an elevated being living among nothing but yokels.


Yes, itā€™s a small, insignificant thing, but it brings me joy today: Itā€™s Pine Knob again! (Not that I ever stopped calling it that.)


Internship interview went well today- sheā€™s supposed to know by Monday or Tuesday! Everything about it seems ideal :pray:


10 Billion views. Billon!!! Holy seafood. (Grandparents will understand what Iā€™m talking about. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Just once, Iā€™d like to scroll past the ā€œTell me something goodā€¦ā€ thread without having that song stuck in my head for the rest of the dayā€¦

:musical_note: :musical_note: Tellll me something goodā€¦.tell me tell me tell meeeeeee :musical_note: :musical_note:

Youā€™re welcome :laughing: