Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

“Kovid having a Corona” - OMG, that is so funny, but I feel sorry for these guys!

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Omicron is very worrying to me at moment. H is struggling with breathing, BP and heart rate issues (pre-existing lung condition) and keeps getting dizzy. One fall resulted in stitches. I can’t leave him alone. Prior to this I would say I could isolate in our large house and avoid him, but what now if I get sick? He can barely walk from room to room. And of course since I am feeding him (so not his usual junk food) he has lost weight. Meanwhile I’m eating my stress.

And guess what dear governor, if state testing sites take 5 days to return results they are basically useless! But sure we have plenty of test and our state is fine😡

Thank you teenage shopper for grocery store. I ordered a sweet onion, and I got a bulb of garlic. Fortunately I have enough onions already.
That was about as helpful as when I ordered cran-raspberry juice, and got a can of cranberry sauce instead.


We have such great neighbors in our cul de sac. I just hope we are half as lucky in our new neighborhood…


I am surrounded by sweet, amiable morons who’re just trying to be helpful, and are devoted to not paying attention to anything going on around them, and never cracking a book. Cross fingers I don’t wind up in the hospital here.


Omg give me patience and a closed mouth. You are going to make yourself sick over this stupid report and it will be just like ALL THE OTHER ONES , shleved, commitee’d, discussed, and then your spineless boss will say Some PhD in the office doesn’t like it and they will ignore your advice just as they have for 30 years, do something stupid, flounder around, and give the mss to you to clean up. Rinse, repeat. i don’t know whether to smack you or hug you.


She underestimated the public outrage?! I don’t live there (thankfully!) yet I’m outraged. A slap on the hand for posting Nazi paraphernalia on the office door? Holocaust jokes?!!! Calling himself an SS officer?!! Fire him! Now. :rage:


Greatly did not like “The Lost Daughter”. Olivia Colman was its only redeeming feature. Put it here since I can’t put it in a “movie I’ve liked” thread.


We are playing online bridge. Don’t answer your damned phone!

This situation is hilarious! Just can’t make this stuff up. Making popcorn and enjoying it as it unfolds!


So a patient texts today that she is leaving my practice because my covid protocols are too strict………


Tired of people with poor planning and no money: If you don’t have the money, you don’t have the money. It IS THAT SIMPLE.

You can’t spend what you don’t have. HONESTLY

Either, wait to get the money, or bypass the expense.
Borrowing from someone just means you wont pay them back either.


Seems y’all got rolled tonight.


Well last night made me extra proud to be a UGA alum. What a freaking game!


Another meeting, another covid party. 10 people thus far in the room for 8 and I’m the only one masked. At least I’m in charge of this one (though not in charge of mask rules), so it will not be long. I don’t understand why people can’t sit quietly for 30 minutes with a mask. I’m the one talking. They get to ask questions at the end.


I don’t nap - but I’m READY for a nap…


The result could be in 24 hours or it could be 3-5 days. Now, enough with the “you have a test result” messages poking at me when they’re only the dr notes from the procedure.

It is what it is, but that doesn’t make it any easier. What was get-throughable before means that I won’t be able to get through it the same way if it’s the same thing. That’s what scares me.

Same as it every was, same as it ever was. SAME as it EVER WAS.

First date in almost five years. I hope it goes well!


Mott Children’s Hospital at University of Michigan is turning away patients because so many kids with Covid are filling the hospital. I am beyond grateful that my niece’s son was able to have surgery this morning. This was the first of many hip surgeries he has to have … he will be in surgery every 6 months to a year for the next who-knows-how-many years. I’m glad he didn’t have to put off his maiden voyage.