Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Friend’s kid got into Harvard and I’m annoyed rather than being happy for them. Atrocious, I know. And no, my kid isn’t applying to any ivies. It’s the fact that this is a great kid but not a standout: high GPA, TO, standard ECs, no National or state awards, just a solid well-rounded kid. But he’s a strong legacy, parents, grandparents, 2 older siblings currently attend. Also an aunt is a professor. So yeah, I’m annoyed because it so clearly highlights the inequities.


MODERATOR’S NOTE: I’m not going to delete any previous posts, but please stop with the obvious or even veiled references to yesterday’s events. Thank you.


We don’t live in a vacuum. Take off your blinders.


Think I am going to take up a new off-centered hobby, maybe bird watching/nature photography. Has to be an outside activity, take up lots of time and be able to meet with friends. Everything else is not really possible. Counting the six-plus weeks to Spring ( really more like 10 but have to take it in chunks).


You don’t deserve those test scores. I’m glad you got them because they make things easier, but you didn’t study enough, and then like always you score exceptionally better the second time.

Please learn how to study.

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Where is that road sign? :sunglasses:

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I wonder how much lipstick sales have fallen? I have put on lipstick exactly once since March, and that was just to take a picture. I think I will feel that things are back to normal when I start wearing lipstick again.


I’m being as nice to you as I can be. It’s not hard because I have a deep enough reserve of “nice.”

But privately, I think you’re a stubborn jerk, taking out your disappointments by trying to control others. At best, juvenile.
Worse would be somewhat narcissistic. A bad cycle of being unhappy, testing others’ tolerance of your antics, until they walk away, then being unhappy and the crap starts again. SIgh.

(This refers to someone IRL.)

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I alternate between wanting to help you and wanting to tell you to suck it. Your H made a point to show me where everything is and to go through the finances with me. You keep acting like you don’t know things, then you get so mad at me when I try to help. I keep promising myself that I won’t try to help you anymore, but that’s just not in my nature. But once again, you are so nasty to me. … Then you praise your SIL for giving you care packages full of things that are terrible for you. So praise him & vilify me. I really want to go home.


14 years of being a fraud. 4 weeks of school. improvement already. glad to help.

I get the impression that people aren’t reading prior responses but are pontificating what they think is reality.


You call it a language barrier, but it seems to me they are the ones trying to learn and speak a second language. Who has the barrier? I think it is time you reach across your self imposed barrier.


I don’t know what it says when your kid still texts you her graduate school grades as soon as they come out. Her sister and I were both happy they were above expectations, or it would be a rough few weeks (for us).


Just thought I would let you all know I am pulling for Ohio State tonight. If they do not win, oh well, still have to go to work tomorrow either way.


Snow here today and Roll Tide tonight.

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Everyone is getting testy. You can feel it.


Ugh, my piano lesson didn’t go so great. I just haven’t been practicing enough and I have no excuse. I told my teacher I’ve been in a funk. She said she is hearing that from most of her students.


Well the Tide rolled and rolled and rolled.


OMG! I just had to tell a Division Director to get out of my cubicle. He is a notorious loud, long winded talker, and he came in to see my boss about something. Boss is not in, so he just waltzes in my small cube unmasked and starts rambling. I ask him if he has a mask. “Well I’m getting to that.” And then proceeded to fiddle with papers, handing me stuff to look at, more rambling… After a couple of minutes, I finally told him we had to leave my cubicle. I wasn’t comfortable in there. And he keeps following inching closer and closer while I’m backing up and up all the while rambling about something I can’t even give him any info about. He’s the expert who will make the decision. I have nothing to do with it. Go away and leave me alone. I’m glad I had my heavy duty mask (with PM2.5 filter) on as well as the new air purifier H bought me for Xmas. But, I am so angry I’m shaking.


Haven’t thought about fake IDs since I was in college, but now that the covid vaccine will be made available to those 65 and over, I’m thinking about how I would like one to give me another 15 months to get to the threshold!