Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Get over yourself, SIL. Today is Father’s Day. Pretty sure you got lots of attention on Mother’s Day. It isn’t always about you.


I’m wondering how your 50 YO self will feel about how your 25 YO self is behaving. Just wondering…


Hard to believe our baby is now 16.

Note to MIL:
No normal person calls a teenager at 6:00 am on a Sunday morning. Get a grip. You’re lucky that ODD had her phone on silent. Otherwise, you would have incurred the wrath of Ms. Grumpy Gills With No Beauty Sleep. :joy:

Note to dad:
You are a lousy grandparent. Such clear favoritism in the birthday gifts between my 2 kids. YDD has taken notice and now thinks that you are a total butt hole. Your passive aggressive attempt to get us to come visit you by giving YDD a gift certificate that can only be used IN PERSON in your town on the other side of the country from us…it’s not going to work. We’re not coming to visit.

My kids have noticed that it’s been 7 years since you’ve come to see them. I’ve invited you to ODD’s high school graduation only out of a sense of obligation. I hope that you don’t come. My children are amazing people. You have totally missed out on seeing them grow up. You could have been a part of that. But you chose not to participate. It’s your loss.

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Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. At least some organizations are willing to call it a duck.


I don’t know why this is bugging me, but, while I’m thrilled that some of y’all are finally learning about Juneteenth, we in Texas made it a state holiday more than 40 years ago. Finally, my state is ahead of the curve – of course, it’s because of our shame in not emancipating slaves right away!


There is a political ad in which a candidate advocates hunting and killing people with whom he does not agree. No, it is not metaphorical. I don’t care what your politics are, this cannot be considered acceptable. Period.


If you were a more pleasant person, I’d clue you in. The idea of having to read more of your thoughts is simply too annoying.

If you ask the right question, you’ll get the picture, but you didn’t, you were quick to blame people for not expressing themselves correctly, hello communication is a two way process, especially online, that’s what I learned in Communication 101.

I appreciate that you called me back to say that I was right and you now understand how to install the equipment and will get it done. Why didn’t you read the manufacturer’s instructions in the first place?! This could have been resolved months ago. Our move in date just got bumped again and my doctor wonders why my hypertension isn’t improving.

After months of planning, the big college visit trip is in jeopardy. S23 came home from his first day at his new job yesterday feeling sick. Blood pressure crashed overnight and almost had to go to ER. Messaging with his specialists all day and crossing fingers the covid tests continue to come back negative. We’re supposed to leave on Sunday and it’s literally the only week we could fit it in our schedule. I know things will work out somehow, but arghhh!

Please stop texting the family group, SIL, please, please, please.
I stay at home, you go to work. How is it possible that your cell phone is physically attached to your hand while you work? How are you not fired???
It’s exhaustive! I don’t respond because you make it worse by texting more meaningless dribble.

“okay, right, got it, did you ever?, here’s a selfie you need to see!”

No more please! I’ll have to block you soon!


Am I am outlier here? If this is a meeting where we are all going to just be sitting in an auditorium for 1.5 hours listening to a panel, is there a reason there cannot be a virtual option?? The meeting space definitely has the equipment. Isn’t time management one thing we have learned through the pandemic - that an option to save 45 minutes of drive/park time is worthwhile??? I may end up passing on this opportunity just because the in-person seems so unnecessary.




My first large tomato was bitten by something, it’s just turning its color yesterday, I was waiting for it to turn it a bit redder before I pick it.

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Thumbs down to not one but two new covid variants hitting my state - we were waiting for the rates to drop below 5% so we could start getting out more and maybe even travel somewhere.

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So thankful that GD3 and GS1 got their vaxxes today. Long time coming! I feel so much better now.


Remembrance Day? Are you for real??!!

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I hardly know where to begin. You married my oldest friend 50 years ago when you were virtual babies, never having dated another person. I never really cared for you but hey, she’s my friend and she loves you. We parted ways politically but never more so than 5.5 years ago. Your ridiculous passive aggressiveness and smirks finally did me in and I “unfriended” you/wife (shared FB name). Then you proceed to go off on me at my intolerance and arrogance and self righteousness on mutual friend’s feed. OMG. So glad I moved away from that god-awful place and that we do not have to ever worry about seeing each other again. I can finally say it. I NEVER liked you.


I wish we could be among those grandparents celebrating that their grandchildren are getting vaccinated.