Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

D tested positive this morning. Bride and groom have symptoms. They officially postponed their wedding. We told D she can quarantine at our house because she is worried about infecting her roommate who is about to start medical school. It works out well, because we will be at our camp all weekend. I’m so heartbroken for all these kids. :frowning:

forgot that today is my daughter’s adoption day. Bad Mom!

deleted for privacy reasons

Why don’t you respond to normal, nice requests to help out Dad? Why do you only respond after 3+ times when the emails have gotten increasingly hostile? Is it control? Something else? You’ve always been such a jerk.

Thanks for doing the things I asked ( finally), Dad appreciates it. But I think I’m not going to say thanks because you took up my time and energy.

So you conned my Mom into staying with her? You want to go swimming in my pool? Good luck with that! You really DON’T listen, do you? I told you we’re going through a remodel inside and out.


Please keep your cats and dogs away from dead birds. A litter of raccoons got hit with avian flu in WA. Even though chances are small, pets can get infected, too, apparently.


You are the mother of my GD and the wife of my son, so I love and respect you as much as I can. We are ending our first family beach vacation with the both kids and their daughter; everyone has helped out with laundry, dishes and cooking, except for you. This isn’t new for you, but one would have thought after I have folded the 12th load of laundry, most in front of you, you might have offer to help. Nope, you have yet loaded or unloaded the dishwasher, or washer/dryer. Thankfully, your husband, my son, has helped with the dishes, otherwise it would have only been my daughter, SIL, along with my husband and I doing everything.

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You are not very good at everything in moderation as you often say. Not when you go from Stage 2 to Stage 4 and now dialysis. You blame everything on genetics, I happen to share the shame genetics as you and I have yet having to take any pills . You can’t blame genetics if you abuse yourself with alcohol, lack of exercise, almost never ever lifted a finger to do anything about your health, watching TV all the time is not the solution, it’s almost like a slow suicidal. It’s best that I get this out of my system before you come over tomorrow otherwise I might say something I”ll regret. However, it’s been on my mind and I’m sad and mad at the same time.

I can’t believe the brother of my best friend has a mass on his pancreas. It will be a long week until he has the biopsy and results. :cry::cry:

The best part of post-surgical recovery is napping with impunity.

Sure it’s an old person’s bed, but being able to adjust it so I can sleep properly is worth it.

Drains are awful; happy H is dealing with them.

I was able to dress myself this morning!


Now I’m very sad that I can’t attend my nephew’s wedding (my daughter is having surgery and we are going to be with her). It’s a backyard barbecue and the invite was a forwarded text.

I just heard that the mother of the groom, is wearing a WHITE one shouldered long gown with a slit “up to there”.

Too bad she’s blocked me on Facebook. I hope she looks as ridiculous as it sounds.

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Went to the first party in two years where no one spoke about Covid!!! Not a word, a single mask, no political talk, just fun and burgers and a celebration. For a second, I thought I was back in the 1980’s. And I liked it.


Happy Father’s Day to all the great fathers out there (looking at you, DH).

Big hugs to those of us who have complicated relationships with our fathers and those suffering the loss of their father. Some of these artificial holidays are hard.


A certain national company’s posts fill my LinkedIn feed, touting their amazing workforce. I can’t help but notice those who are very obviously missing from your pictures. Not a company I would want to work for or with.


Don’t forget people populating social media with your father posts (wonderful of course), that today is another very important June(teenth) holiday.


Back home again, sigh. I have more sympathy for people suffering from depression. I can’t imagine feeling this way every day. At least I know tomorrow will be better.


D1’s family is flying to UK tonight. They upgraded her and her husband, but not their 16 month old daughter. Who did they think was going to take care of the toddler.

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I am feeling rather old, the US Open winner is 6 months younger than my daughter!


Ugh, now pneumonia. Pretty mild since I walked home (almost a mile) from the urgent care place after they did a nebulizer treatment on me. Yet another zpack. At least I don’t have Covid again.


This dreadful weather made me order a pair of tall boots. What is next? A new wool hat or a down coat? When’s summer?!