Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I look forward (not really) to the moment it dawns on men that this is actually their issue. Women don’t get pregnant alone, or with other women. Biologically speaking it requires a man. Oh men, you are in for an awakening!


Why do some get the right to choose for all?
My body is now imprisoned by another’s choices, actions and decisions.
Crying for my daughter, my nieces and all other women who have had their lives changed today😭


My son’s company announced they will cover all costs of any required out of town trips related to reproductive health. Good for them (hopefully more will follow). I do recognize that many are not fortunate enought to work for a company with this policy.

Otherwise disgusted beyond words.


The sun will come up tomorrow


Just so disgusted, sad, heartbroken, nauseated and livid. I feel so much for the younger generations. The last few years have been so challenging and it’s just becoming depressing when you anticipate the future demands and challenges that so many will be experiencing.

Identifying adequate words to covey all these simultaneously occurring feelings is even a challenge.

Do I put my head in the sand? No. Not giving up. No way.


Welp. My kids surgery for Monday was postponed, she tested positive for covid tonight. Our trip is off for now.

Monday we will hear when they can reschedule, hopefully it will be 10 days.

The good news is that we get to attend the :poop: show that will be my nephews wedding. Yea us. :partying_face:


I hate crows. Two robin’s nests - ruined. Constant racket all day long - hate it. Bats that used to clean out mosquitoes and bugs - gone. Owl that used to keep gophers in check - not here. I hate crows. :angry:


Today I realized that I am finally mature enough to know the difference between something I don’t like…and something that is still right - even if I don’t like it.


I’m picturing convoys of several hundred trucks and vans heading into certain states, loading up “tourists,” taking them to other certain states with portable medical facilities, then bring them home en masse.


Given the concurring opinion issued yesterday, my H’s childhood BF & BF’s H are planning where they will move in the event that their marriage is invalidated. Along with that comes the worry about whether SS will continue to be available for the surviving spouse when one dies, along with the worry that BF’s government pension may no longer have a survivor option for his spouse. This is nuts. Never forget why this is happening.


Patriot, patriarchy, and patronizing all share the same root.


Yesterday was a good day, glad to see something good in the news for a change.


Interesting tactic. I’m not impressed.

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I am a bit surprised by my reaction. I knew I wouldn’t be happy, but I knew it was coming. I thought I was prepared. But I just feel gutted. I’m not past menopause yet myself, so it could affect me

But some good news today. Younger S got his last scholarship letter in the mail today. Another increase. This combined with the school’s scholarship will more than cover tuition. The scholarship is renewal, but there are a lot of pieces to the application required, including getting the school to mail them forms. And you never really know if it’s completed and accepted until the letter comes through. It’s due in early April, so it’s a long time to wait. And a huge relief!


I heard the news via text from my daughter but I couldn’t turn on the TV because we had just cut the cable off the day before. Go figure. So, I got into my car to run errands and listened to the radio news. I don’t know where we go from here. DH and I are retiring this summer and we can go anywhere but our daughters cannot. For now, I take solace from the fact that my family lives in a supportive state. We will work hard to make sure it stays that way.


Dear Nephew, I love you and I went to your ordination last year as a stand in for my mother who has been gone quite some time. I always try to be at your big events (as well as your sister’s) because my mother can’t be. At that time, I was uncomfortable with your roll in what I consider to be a disappointing denomination in terms of acceptance and love, but my love for you told me to push my disapproval to the rear of my thoughts. Yesterday you posted something on Instagram that was judgmental and pretentious. You have been brainwashed, perhaps due to your young age and a desire to be accepted and respected within your religion. My mother belonged to that denomination as she grew up and she left as a young adult and always expressed disapproval for what she view as an intolerant faith. Your grandmother would have been very hurt and disappointed by your naive view of a policies that should be considered with nuance on a personal basis in consultation with a physician and one’s own personal faith. I don’t tell you that I think your denomination is off target in a big way and you shouldn’t tell others how to behave. Rant over.


Add in another cost we’ll all be paying for, literally. The handouts never cease.

On my DD’s 16th bday a week ago, I celebrated 3 years being cancer free from breast cancer and a double mastectomy. Had to see a fertility specialist in order to get pregnant. Saw her little heart beat at 6 weeks gestation on the ultrasound at the fertility doctor’s office. Took her on a driving lesson this morning. It’s all been worth it.

Every day is a gift. Don’t let the noise going on in the rest of the world make you forget how wonderful it is that you are here, that you are alive and kicking. Even in the darkest of times, there is light and joy to be found.

I wish that everyone would just take a step back and remember that for a moment.

Now I’m going to go back to shouting at the birds in the backyard for eating my figs off the fig tree. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s my birthday and I’ll cry if I want to :musical_note: at least on this day some wonderful things happened (DOMA was struck down, same sex marriage was approved [Obergefell] ) and the NYC pride parade is today. Let’s preserve some rights!