Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Please stop praising corporations who plan on paying for employee travel in the wake of this decision… they just did the math and figured out that this is cheaper than maternity leave!


Covid at a once a year family beach reunion week is worse than ants at a picnic. Fingers tightly crossed.


My daughter’s dream school was The University of Michigan. She got off the waitlist. And in the wake of the Roe vs Wade ruling, she won’t be attending. She will be attending a school in a state that confirms and champions women’s healthcare. I’m beyond proud of her as this wasn’t an easy decision for her. I firmly believe that this generation is going to save the world.


Um, I don’t care if your bike gang was on an “organized” ride as some of my Facebook friends tried to explain to me. You can’t just run a red light with no warning! A guy in a car finally blocked the intersection (i.e., stopped in the middle of it so I couldn’t pass while glaring at me) and waved the rest of the bikers on, but he was towards the very back of the pack. If this was for a good cause, you sure didn’t gain anyone’s respect today. This was in a small town in Massachusetts with only one red light. I was too shocked to honk, which my husband said was probably a good thing. Ugh.


My daughter, my heart, I am worried. You are so stressed out! Hopefully it will pass and if it doesn’t, you’ll agree to get professional help.


Yea Avalanche!


Any day that I open my US Postal Service Informed Delivery email showing me what we are getting in the mailbox that doesn’t contain a letter from the IRS is automatically a good day.


A thank you would have be nice.


"Doctrinal limbs too swiftly shaped…may prove unstable. "RBG


And I absolutely expect that those whose religious beliefs are such that they pray to Allah 5 times a day will be able to do so anywhere, anytime. Equal protection under the law.


When you say you are against something, why do you work tirelessly against the very things that would have prevented it? Education, prevention, support were the solutions. At every turn, you fought those.

Maybe it’s because you have your own solution and that solution makes you money.


We have been friends for 30 years but I’m finding it harder and harder to enjoy your company. You complain about the cost of social programs yet applaud the recent court decision on abortion. And I totally disagree with your comment that masks have been proven to not work. As someone who is not Christian I am insulted by your views that we are a Christian nation. I’m sure you are also rejoicing the most recent decision on prayer. Again I’m sure a Christian prayer is what is okay. A prayer from a non Jesus religion not acceptable.
I fear that these recent decisions are going to further divide this country.
To my republican friends who are upset about the abortion decision. Your vote has consequences.


Please keep this thread focused on it’s primary purpose. Our community rules explain we aren’t here to debate and that includes making indirect statements about each other here.

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I feel really sad for all the kids who will be missing out on nerd camp. Looking for information on CTY is what brought me to CC all those years ago. It was a lifeline. What were they thinking?


I love finding a bank error. Getting it resolved is another matter.


On top of everything else over the past week, your failure came as no surprise but it sure added to the stress. What’s worse is that you’re adding to H’s stress, too. I did not believe that I could think any less of you but I was wrong.

To my neighbor:
You want to fight for a cause but continue to degrade and bad mouth anyone who disagrees with you. Do you think that’s helpful in changing someone’s mind or getting them to listen and understand your cause.

The current Supreme Court will not be the Supreme Court forever.


Since 2020 things have gone downhill rapidly. It’s exhausting and I wonder how long we will have the collective energy before separation is more appealing than cohesion.


I think my head might explode. After months of researching, I bought a brand new LG refrigerator at the beginning of March. Because of the distance from the store, there was no delivery so we had to rent a uhaul and move it ourselves. Once we got it home, we realized the frig did not work.

We contacted LG and started a repair case. We were repeatedly assured that the frig would be repaired. VERY VERY Long story short: LG now says because I live in a small town they can’t find a repair person. At one point they sent info indicating I had been approved for a replacement unit with directions to arrange for the exchange. Those instructions did not work and I reached out to LG again for help with that process.

Now, almost FOUR months later, I am told my only option is to accept a refund. The warranty mentions nothing about a refund and clearly states I am entitled to a repair or replacement. In order to get the refund, we must return the unit to the store where it was purchased at our own time and expense. In the meantime the price of the refrigerator and the rental truck have increased dramatically. Consequently, I am not interested in a refund. I just want my dream frig to work!

I have run this issue up the chain of command but they keep telling me the refund is the refund is my only option.

Moral of the story: the reports about LGs appalling customer service and repair issues are true. Do not buy LG appliances!