Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Dear College Confidential - what did we do to deserve getting kicked to the curb?


:gift_heart::rofl::dart::hibiscus::broken_heart::+1:t3::frowning::disappointed::four_leaf_clover::face_vomiting::crossed_fingers:t3::face_with_peeking_eye::shushing_face::face_vomiting::disguised_face::clown_face::flushed::raised_hands::eyes::heart_eyes_cat::birthday::leafy_green::cupcake::two_hearts::poop::dog::star_struck::art::face_with_spiral_eyes: and friends


Making a point by calling someone names does not further your argument.


The hearing for permanent guardianship of my son is at 10:15 am EST. I would appreciate thoughts and prayers. It’s a necessary step, but heartbreaking. I have to hold it together while I’m testifying.


The Nuclear Fusion ‘breakthrough’ is rather disappointing once you get past the media headlines. I wrote a school paper on nuclear fusion when I was 9 and have been yearning for a breakthrough for decades. However, it has been slow going for real breakthroughs.

I just listened to “The Economist” podcast. If “The Economist” is correct, then this isn’t even close to positive energy. Yes, 2 mega joules was absorbed by the fuel pellet and the pellet released 3 mega joules of energy (enough to boil 2.5 gallons of water). That sounds fantastic: 50% more energy was released than absorbed at the pellet level. Makes it sound like all we need to do is replicate it, scale it and commercialize it over the next couple of decades, but not so fast.

However, the laser system spent 300 mega joules of energy to create the 2 mega joules absorbed by the pellet. i.e. 300 mega joules created 3 mega joules of energy. 99% energy lost, rather than 50% gained! Doh!

I suppose we’ll jump for joy when they cut it to 98% energy lost.


I’ve been here a LONG time (starting lurking at inception and created an account following D’s ED1 acceptance in 2004). Kids are always asking me why I still engage, but I am still enjoying the community though participants come & go.

We have had some sad losses (latetoschool & sunriseeast come to mind), but saddest connection to CC for me was when the school shooting thread was opened for Sandy Hook 10 years ago today. One poster said their co-worker had just left work because their child went to school there and later reported that child was among those lost that day. I have friends whose children were in close proximity to high school shootings in my area both before and after that day. We are all just a few degrees of separation away from these tragedies. I wish our country would improve upon this situation. Almost said “could solve this problem”, but I edited because we can largely solve this problem if the majority of us vote for those who will enact common sense measures. May we do better in remembrance of the innocent lives lost to school violence.


Twitch was such a light and energy on both Ellen and SYTYCD back in the day.

Stunned to hear of his death. It’s a hard one to hear. :frowning: :broken_heart:


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat


That was hate speech. It belongs no where. I can’t believe no one shut it down and that some people cheered.


I see some additional emoji options. I badly want the hug emoji back!!


You do realize the fun of Wordle comes from solving it, right? Not from always getting it in 2 or 3 to look like you’re smarter than the rest of us every single day. We all know you cheat. How is that fun for you? I’m sorry I invited you to our texting Wordle group thinking you’d enjoy the camaraderie. We all enjoy the 2s, or 6s, as it plays out. It’s the fun journey, not a race.


Thanks for your thoughts! The hearing went so well. We had the same judge as for the temporary guardianship hearing, so I didn’t have to answer any more questions. Due to some legal technicalities, guardianship couldn’t be finalized today, but it should happen on January 10. I have to say that the judge was so kind and thoughtful. He told our son he’s amazing and has a smile that lights up the room, and also that his parents love him and to never forget that. Then he gave us York Peppermint Patties as we left the courtroom. :slight_smile:


My good friend shared with me that she is trying to get therapy for her ninth grader, who is exhibiting concerning behavior. Outwardly, she seems to have it all together, but my friend senses issues below the surface (possibly high functioning spectrum). She said that it’s really hard to find the kind of evaluation & help that she needs, because there’s a shortage of professionals to help adolescents. I am glad that she noticed issues & is working to help her D. Parents, if your kids want to go into fields that will make a positive impact on our young people, please support them in their efforts. We need more caring professionals.


Dear emoticon committee:

  1. :rofl: is apparently a pretty uncool “laugh out loud” emoticon for the TickTock Gen. Please maybe another one? Like :laughing:?

  2. We need a “hug” one

  3. Bring back the :cat2: and :dog2: in some form!! We :heart: our pets.

Thank you.


My kids are 5 years apart in school so it’s been years since I scrolled through CC regularly (my oldest is a junior in college & I fell off once she was through the admissions process.)

Gosh darn I don’t like this new (to me) format! It’s so much harder for me to find anything.


I made a recipe today that called for fish sauce. Guess what I learned? I learned that I will never again make a recipe using fish sauce. I can’t get the smell out of my nostrils, and let’s just say that it’s not a pleasant experience. I’m sure I’ve had it in restaurant dishes … but it was mixed in with other things & I didn’t know what it actually smelled like.


The US government has restarted the free COVID test kit program to be delivered by the USPS.

Here’s the link to order: Get Four Free At-⁠Home COVID-⁠19 Tests This Fall |


Must Christmas cards/letters be political? Can’t you even let it go for a holiday? I guess not when it seems to be what you’ve chosen as your hill to die on.

You do you, but we’ll do us and yours won’t be on display.


I know you had to postpone and I sympathize with the reason, but it’s still terribly disappointing. I felt obliged to commiserate, sound understanding, and be upbeat, but the tears came after the call. I’m well aware that “tomorrow” doesn’t always come.

Went to the orthopedic doctor for my follow up. I saw the MRI results online and knew I had a small tear in my meniscus.

I got the go ahead to run again! (unless it starts hurting again).

Thankful to have a treadmill.


Please don’t suggest games at Christmas that I’ve never seen before, have long complicated rules, everyone else knows how to play, and determine winners based on strategy/skill. You might think it’s the best game ever and it might be, but for me learning a game for 45 min. to play it very badly and lose by a lot each year is not fun.

How about we play a game we all know how to play? How about one where luck plays a factor so all - including the kids - have an almost equal chance of winning?