Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

DH, I really didn’t need to know that. But you just are determined to keep piling it on.

Second update to wine co-host (this time to wife): I guess when you corralled me in the pantry to tell to your DH is a terrible communicator and a PITA ( yep that was validating) you were apparently just apologizing and not offering assistance or suggestions, as when I started to ask for some clarification you replied “I didn’t think this was going to be a long conversation”. And you left!

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Orion has landed!!! :crescent_moon: :earth_africa:


My daughter sings all the time.
Terrible voice and terrible choice of music.
It’s hard to be a supportive mother.


You know…if you don’t know about something, you really shouldn’t be offering your “advice”.


Maybe the reason you find so many people and so many encounters unpleasant is because – well, look in the mirror.


I hate baking! Have always hated it. How did I ever forget that? My sister would corral all our kids and bake with them this time of year. But she (and her family) haven’t been able to visit us at Christmas for the last 3 years. So silly me, I decided that husband and I could bake the goodies. Kids are busy so I thought I’d surprise them. Yeah, the surprise’s on me…sigh. What in the world got into me? :rofl:


We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. JFK, Rice University, 1962

“Task accomplished.” July 1969

Congratulations, NASA, on Artemis and Orion and its spectacular success over the last 4 weeks.

But, we should always remember that this was done more than 50 years ago, perhaps the greatest achievement in humanity and in US history. This was America at its pinnacle.

Ask yourself if we are still there. If not, why not?


I really want to see The Whale. I’m not sure I can handle it, though, because he reminds me so much of my late brother.

Ugh, wheezing again. Back on Prednisone and seeing pulmonologist tomorrow. I am so sick of being sick!


I was honking at you because you threw your gum wrapper out of your car window.


So…Depeche Mode is going on tour for the first time in forever and they’re not coming to our state. Closest venue is the SAME weekend that a relative is coming to visit. GOSH DARN IT! BARNACLES! AND ALL OF THOSE OTHER SWEAR WORDS I CAN’T SAY HERE!


“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

    • Charles Bukowski

Dear Univ of Chicago & Johns Hopkins University,

Stop sending my kid promotional mail. She is not even in the realm of students who you would ever accept at either of your colleges. Her test scores aren’t high enough. Her GPA isn’t high enough. And she hasn’t found a cure for cancer either. It doesn’t matter how much mail you send us. My kid is never applying there.


The ignorance is astonishing.

Oh dear. This won’t go well.

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Farewell, College Confidential emojis…we hardly knew ye (at least most of them, anyways).

Enjoy your final resting place in the cloud. You will be missed.


Don’t guess on clothing for me. Men just don’t get how complex finding sizes is? Plus far too expensive and I would never pick this. But thanks for assuming I could wear a small.


Holy crab on a cracker!

This is “My Old School” from Steely Dan. I was lucky enough to see Donald Fagen live where he did this anthemic song as his closer.

This is a masterpiece, and for any of our dear college applicants who see this, please understand that “your old school” will be what YOU make it….it won’t make YOU.

The lead guitarist here (Jeff “Skunk” Baxter" went to The Taft School), and I believe the reference to “Daddy G” in the song is to Watergate mastermind (?) G. Gordon Liddy who had an “interesting” relationship as an FBI agent/prosecutor with the places and events referenced in the song.

Good luck to all with your apps!