Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I hope this isn’t “political,” but I was quite impressed with the summary of the January 6th committee today.


Shout out to See’s Candy. I ordered several things, including 3 “cans” Toffee-ettes. One of the cans was pretty badly dented, so I’m not sure it would stay fresh in the paper container. I sent an e-mail to See’s, and they are sending me another, with expedited shipping, free of charge.


When you have kids, everyone warns you about the “terrible twos”, but no one told us about the “terrible 13s”. Our older boy was a terror during the spring semester of eighth grade, but he transformed into a responsible, civilized human being when we moved to a different state and he started fresh in a new school. Thing #2, however, is lagging by about six months and is a pill fall semester, freshman year of HS. We are praying that, like his brother, this is just a phase and he will snap out of it.


I guess saying thank you has become a lost art.


You changed the location of our hike, so it’s closer to you. Now I look and it’s going to cost me $$ to get into the park. Geeze… I don’t want to walk that badly.


Crate & Barrel, I’ve rewritten my review three times and you keep rejecting it. Nothing I wrote was about the shipping process or the delivery. The review had both positive and negative comments, and the negative ones were about the lack of QC by the manufacturer and the multiple defects in the item which are the reason it’s being returned for a replacement.

I hope the replacement is better so I can close the door on this relationship. I won’t be purchasing from you again. You actually did screw up delivery of my previous large purchase but I thought you deserved a second chance. If we hadn’t already donated our old furniture I’d tell you to keep the replacement and come get its companion piece which has issues as well.

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If I make it onto the plane Thursday evening (and it leaves on time) with my sanity intact, I will consider it a successful trip. Have I mentioned I’m a highly anxious, super paranoid person, especially re: illness? Saturday morning, younger S announces he has lots of pressure behind his eye and he’s achy. Pump him up with allergy meds (which he usually declines to take despite having them) and decongestants. Sunday he’s feeling a bit better, but GF doesn’t feel well - stomach and just achy. She naps and eats dinner looking peeked, but says she feels better. Monday both seem fine. Yay!

Then! last night while making dinner, H’s eye starts oozing yellow gunk. He does not have allergies and does not have sinus issues. OMG. This man NEVER gets sick unless it’s time for something important. This morning, I called and made him an appointment with our health care group praying they give him antibiotics. And worse, praying none of us catch it from him, since he’s not very careful re: hygiene. I don’t want to be testing out my Beginner-Intermediate German in an Austrian med clinic…

We leave tomorrow afternoon to drive the 5 hours to the airport. Originally, I was paranoid about a blizzard, but that seems to have changed. Still, Thursday is supposed to be pouring rain all day and in the 30s, so I don’t want to chance driving up that morning, especially since we have to take the 10+ year old car to fit 4 suitcases plus carry-ons, and we have to drop of GF’s other bags with a school friend. Once we get back to the airport city, she and younger S will fly to her house in MA.

Not to mention my eyes are always gooey on a good day, so this is not helping my sanity at all… I’m not even calling/texting older S/GF to see how they are feeling. I just don’t want to know… Hopefully, we’ll all be together on Friday…


Darn we need a hug emoji…


A few years ago there was someone who was constantly insisting certain majors were “worthless”. One of the favorite targets was biology, unless you want to be a doctor.
Well, I know they probably won’t see this, but my kid just graduated a semester early with just such a wasteful degree, has no interest on being a doctor, but has numerous exciting options.
Are these options as lucrative as if he had majored in engineering? No, but he took his major in unique directions inspired by a semester abroad and he is happy.
Do what you love.


Target, my math must be off. You are sending GD one of her back ordered Hanukkah presents 2 day and showed it was being shipped Monday and will arrive Saturday. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Maybe the 2 days is the time it spends with FedEx before being handing to USPS for the remaining part of the journey? Unfortunately DIL’s office will be closed which is where it is to be delivered, so I guess they will get it after Christmas; it can now be a New Years present!

I just found out “the rest of the story” regarding a situation a younger woman I know recently experienced. It is heartbreaking and gut wrenching. It is a situation that is incredibly personal and difficult. A terrible situation was made even worse because others, who are not part of what was happening, had made certain decisions for her. Before you judge a person, walk a mile in their shoes. If you can’t, perhaps you should keep your views out of their business.


Despite his (very much still) COVID-positive aunt isolating in the basement, S23 was able to have his surgery yesterday! Everyone else in the house is healthy and the pre-screening team gave the a-okay.

Went great except his surgeon had to do some unexpected “chiseling” :grimacing:. This surgery completed the correction of a defect and wraps up this particular medical journey. We are happy it gone done when it did and are SO relieved. Time for mimosas.


My nephew is getting married next week because he “has to” (not pregnancy related). He doesn’t actually have to, because he has a choice. Unfortunately, he and his fiancée are allowing an expected inheritance to dictate how they live their lives. Glad my kids are disgusted by the choice he made.

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Watching Emily in Paris brings me to my pet peeve of the day:

Dear MTV and Paramount,

Please refer to the style guide of your choice. The rule for indefinite articles is to use “a” before consonants and “an” before vowels. For acronyms, it is how the acronym is pronounced, not how it’s spelled.

MTV is pronounced Emm-tee-vee, so the grammatically correct format is “An MTV Entertainment Studios Production.”

You’re welcome. :grin:



You decided that this was the right time in your life to get pregnant. No husband, no money saved, and you recently gave up your dog because you weren’t able to care for it adequately. Your mother is scared and horrified. I don’t understand how this makes sense and how you think this is going to go well. I understand that sometimes unplanned pregnancies happen, but why would someone set themselves up for this purposefully?

Maybe you should check ALL the university’s stats before acting shocked and dismayed my S didn’t even apply to that T5 engineering school. In 2021 there were 9,803 undergraduate engineering students enrolled there; only 175 were Black— 1.79%. The entire undergraduate population is 37k, yet they are barely 2.5% Black. That speaks to a larger problem, but of course you don’t have to worry about that for your kid. Why would I do that to my son? So spare me the lecture and stop assuming I’m just a northeast snob and don’t care for the Midwest. We excluded an app there for a reason. We’re very happy with his ED choice.


I can’t believe we ran out of bird seed! Hang in there, little friends. Going to pick some up tonight.


Blood glucose curve… more traumatic for the owner than the cat. The cat just twitches the ear… the owner is about to faint from empathy every time she has to poke the cat’s ear.


I fell into the Cooper Vortex (podcast) and couldn’t get out. However, the latest suspect might be the best! Please, solve it so I can escape!

Our USPS mailman delivered mail today. The UPS guy made his way to our porch. Three different Amazon peeps delivered packages today. FedEx, what is your lame excuse for not delivering our package that was supposed to be here this past Monday? :angry: Did you lose the box that has been allegedly out for delivery on your truck for several days now?!