Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Oh dear longtime neighbor of my childhood home, I wondered why my holiday card was returned. I am so sad that we recently lost you, and will miss our conversations :frowning: sleep well , dear friend.


Lovely evening with daughter, her fiance, and his mom and stepdad. However, any day that it takes almost two hours to drive through Staten Island is not good travel day! Now that Iā€™m home, time to clean the kitchen of the latke detritusā€“at least they came out really yummy!


A know it all who doesnā€™t know it all.


Not a first world problem but I have given the choices a shot and am still missing some emojis and am perplexed at some of the available options
Particularly miss: :hushed:, :disappointed:, :hugs:, :pray:

(Which to me translate to : wow/surprised, sad, hug/care, pray)


Santa showed up earlyā€¦

I believe this means I was on the ā€œniceā€ list in spite of some unintended missteps.


Well mom, I know I decided not to come to the hospital today because of the extreme cold weather and flash freeze here in Tennessee.

But telling me that all the people working in the hospital got there is not helpful. Iā€™m staying off the roads because it seems prudent. Yea I do know how to drive in the winter weather but my area knows how to clear the roads.

And saying, do what you think is best only makes me feel horribly guilty.

Iā€™m exhausted by all of this. We drove you 11.5 hours to get you home from our daughterā€™s where you fell. After I warned you that her townhome was going to be hard to navigate. And now Iā€™m here at least until you get placement into a rehab facility.

When I get to go home for a minute to take care of my husband, whoā€™s surgery I get to miss.

Today a co-worker mentioned that a lot of cars were sliding all over the roads because the weather/asphalt were too cold for salt to work.

So guess what I just wasted half an hour researchingā€¦


Now I know why my amaryllises are not ready for the new bloom seasonā€¦ they never went dormant in the garage because Mr. moved them to the bench by the window and has been watering them! :laughing:

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My MIL has decided not to spend the night on Xmas Day. I am relieved. For just a moment, I donā€™t have to listen to how we donā€™t make her feel welcome, despite the fact that I use the best sheets in the house in the guest bedroom, set out the best pillows, set the bathroom up with the best towels we own, make sure that we have her favorite cereal in the house, etc., etc. Noā€¦we donā€™t make her feel welcome. :roll_eyes: Ohā€¦but when I use my great grandmotherā€™s >100 yr old china at Thanksgiving and Christmas, THEN she feels welcome because the fancy plates make her ā€œfeel special.ā€

Listen, ladyā€¦weā€™re not using those plates because of you. Every Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter for over 100 years, my motherā€™s family has used those plates. And I use them now to remember them. Because it makes me feel happy. I get to remember all of the fun Christmases with my grandparents.

MIL, my plates have nothing to do with you. Itā€™s not about you. But if you want to believe that Iā€™m setting out those plates so you can feel special, then knock yourself out.


Canā€™t we all just get along?


Remember to rest and take care, relax and enjoy the holidays.


I miss Twitter.


This is the season for wishing peace on Earth. For the women of Afghanistan, I wish for a miracle that will deliver them from suppression.


The room upstairs has wrapped gifts and chocolate candy for stockings on the floor. Getting tired of reminding you to keep the door shut as this will be a disaster (on many levels) when Dā€™s dog is here. I have just had to shut the door AGAIN.


I am so done with the gifting thing at Christmas. I want it to be about anything other than presents. I made one last attempt to surprise the kids, and you actually told them what it was the night before Christmas. I give up! Makes me wonder if you canā€™t keep something so obvious secret for just a brief time, can I trust you to keep anything secret?


I hate waiting for the rest of the family to wake up on Xmas morning!


We were at an event. It was raining and raining. My sister was complaining and complaining.

Her husband, my late great loved brother in law leans over to her and says

Itā€™s not just raining on you!

So remember when things arenā€™t going your way, itā€™s not just you!

Itā€™s a family saying on my husbandā€™s side who loved what my BIL said.


So, after 3 years, a + shows up on the Covid test this morning. Merry, merry.

Honey, I love you, but why did you choose this year to depart from my book list? Iā€™m going to have to exchange them. (A Negroni doesnā€™t have Cointreau nor ginger liqueur in it :roll_eyes:)

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May I never be the parent who thinks itā€™s fine for my son to get married because his fiancĆ©eā€™s grandmother told her they would have to move from the home the grandmother owns if they donā€™t get married within the next two weeks ā€¦ or the grandmother who thinks itā€™s fine because she thinks someone needed to make him do it. I hope to always trust my adult children/grandchildren to be capable of making choices that are best for them. And I hope that, aside from this anonymous post, I can keep my feelings to myself.