Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Wow, you’re just sad. You’re twisting reality to make everyone think he got married because your elderly mom wanted to see him get married. Why lie? I don’t get you at all. It’s going to be hard to smile & nod as the lie becomes family lore, but I will do it.

So you got sick and tested negative for Covid several times. If you had listened to me to get tested for influenza A, maybe you wouldn’t have ended up in the hospital where you in fact tested positive for influenza A. Glad you got the proper treatment and are feeling better. Covid isn’t the only illness out there.

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The Pizza box. hahahahahahaha!


10" of heavy, wet snow. Shoveling 10" of heavy, wet snow. I’m sore.

Back on July 4th weekend, we were among those who had hellacious canceled-flights on American Airlines.

I’ve been thinking of the Southwest pilots on the hotel shuttle who made fun of us for flying American.

I don’t wish that on anyone. But I hope they’ve thought about karma.


Ugh, stupid me for putting the PVC pipe on the gym floor right next to where I was doing side lunges. I slipped on it and fell backwards. I landed on my wrist and it hurts like the dickens. I’m at urgent care now. Oh well, not that bad in the big picture of things. And it’s not my dominant hand.

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Sign posted at McDonald’s:

“The whole world is short-staffed, be kind to those who showed up”.

Gladly passing it on for all of those young and not so young people working there.


You can be so clueless. Your tv is blaring. You’re listening to the bank transactions for the week on Speakerphone in full volume. How am I suppose to hear anything I’m trying to focus on?! Frustrated. :angry:


Had a cathartic hourlong FaceTime with my cousin in my home country last night and we both can’t figure out how we are the only sane ones in our family. This is not even a subjective opinion.
Her brother is a political lunatic (won’t say which end of the spectrum) who’s been alternately funding and kicking out a Filipino woman of “interesting” provenance named Sugar, while not supporting his parents, who are now completely penniless because they’ve given all their money to him over the years and have none left for themselves. “It’s not my problem,” he says.
And my brother is of the same end of the spectrum, who kicked out his trans child and refuses to speak to me or her.
Both are divorced. Both claim a life of religiosity and holier-than-thou superciliousness about their sisters (both of us are married to our husbands for over 2 decades).
Her parents are penniless because of propping up their adored son. My dad is Midas on a pile of gold, cackling over his spreadsheet and wearing a single pair of underwear until it’s transparent, using a computer from the early 2000s, refusing to pay an attorney to draw up a real will, and - it goes without saying - paying not one red cent toward his overseas sister, or toward living in our house.

But my cousin and I are the evil communist/socialist parasitic layabouts because of our politics.

Hug emoji is sorely missed!


It always amazes me how someone could send a pair of designer shoes to a resale shop without wiping the dirt off first - :grimacing:!! Ditto to wearing said shoes without removing the store price sticker off… lol and yuck.

Snark noted. Time for you to leave….

Kids will be kids, they say. Although this is true, I feel like when you’re at least 14 years old, you’ll know not to hit and say insensitive stuff to others. At some point, you need to grow up and learn that what you’re doing isn’t right. Grow up.

God bless my kid. After a long flight and a delay getting off the plane, we were dumped into a super scary long passport control room. After the first two passes through the snake, we estimated it would take 2.5-3 more hours. S noticed one family ditch the line and go to where the global entry/diplomats were. He asked the worker who told him about some Mobil app. He downloaded it, scanned all our passports, took our pictures and we got to go through that line too. <10 minutes. I told him I’d give him $100. He declined. But he does get to pick dinner.


Dear MIL:
You desperately need to be using a cane or walker. You have them at home. You use them at home. But still you refuse to use one out of the house. When walking around, you hold onto stuff near you for dear life. Yet still you refuse. One of these days, your repeated refusal is going to literally be your downfall. You are going to fall and seriously hurt yourself and you will not recover to your former self from it.

We love you very much. But your stubbornness is so frustrating. I mean, just the other day, you couldn’t get up off of my sister’s couch without my DH literally pulling you up with all of his strength.



You’re 95% great guy, 5% drama queen. I feel like I’m always tiptoeing around what I say, because I never know when the queen will make her entrance. It’s fatiguing, I hate drama. Life is too short.


Sometimes I think I’m old because I’ve used a yahoo email address for over 20 years. It used to be my main email but now it’s my commerce/junk address. I only got that one to replace an even older hotmail address.

But then I see someone still using an AOL email and it makes me smile SO big! I unironically love it.


17 days non stop of company. I am fried.