Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I love Michelle Obama for giving voice to something many of us have felt.


Iā€™m tired of politics.


I really wish I could fast forward through these upcoming tests to get the diagnosis (that Iā€™m 99% confident I have) to get to treatment.
These next couple of weeks are going to drag by.

If youā€™re happy then ā€¦ I want to be happy for you. But Iā€™ll be holding my breath for a while, OK?


Iā€™m relieved to hear that youā€™ve accomodated to the bad news, and that you have the funds to afford the fix.

No. More. Cooking. For. A. Crowd! For at least a month. Yay! Doing this for what felt like 2 weeks straight was exhausting, and I like to cook.


Coming back from a trip is very hard on me mentally. Taking down Xmas decorations is hard on me mentally. Having the kids gone is hard on me mentally. Today I have a triple whammy. Itā€™s not been a fun day.

The only bright side is that I came back to an unexpected 7% raise. I knew they were recalibrating they scales, but I thought it was only for the lower paid employees affected by minimum wage. And now Iā€™m no longer at the top of my scale, so I have room to grow.


Just went grocery shopping. Staples. Nothing fancy. Costco and TJā€™s.

Iā€™m going to go with ā€˜What is inflationā€™ for the win.


Couch order inā€¦it will be hopefully delivered inā€¦MayšŸ™„


That was rather tone-deaf.

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Oh, my goodness ā€¦ a nearby city employee is the first employee in the city to take a maternity leave. They just started offering it effective 2023. Hard to believe.


The number of commercials makes the bowl games difficult to watch.

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I hope all of the rain and snow we are experiencing will alleviate some of the extreme drought conditions across the country.


Dear Therapist: Sorry you got Covid. I knew the vacation you just took would be the culprit. And you still think Iā€™m being unreasonably cautious? With my medical history? Maybe now youā€™ll understand why I still mask. Iā€™m disappointed with your nonchalance.


Man good buddy, Iā€™m a mess today with you at my side. Every pet owner knows the time will come and it will be the worst day of our lives with you.

Youā€™ve spent over half our married life with us and you chose me as your special servant. Youā€™ve been with me as we saw all three kids go off to college. You were with me through my brain tumor and everything involved with that. Youā€™ve been my comfort when my dad and mom died. You chose to sleep with me when H was away. You opted to make my chair yours - weā€™ve shared it for years. You were with us in the kitchen when meals were being fixed and you were always under the game table when games were being played.

We have many fond memories of watching you be you. Your original name was Lucky because you were the only one of six to survive, but that name didnā€™t last long. It switched to Bug because you went around bugging everyone and everything in your youth. Youā€™ve never been afraid to stand up for what you wanted.

You were family. You rang in the New Year with us just a couple of days ago, not sure what we were celebrating, Iā€™m sure, but with us regardless because thatā€™s just who you are.

Weā€™ve known you were old for a few years now. Stairs are harder. We put steps up to my chair and our bed so you didnā€™t have to jump. The end could come any day we knew. That said, we didnā€™t expect it to come today. As I look at you and listen to you struggling to breathe I hope the vet comes soon. I hope we made the right choice having him come here vs packing you up and making those last few minutes even more stressful considering you always hated leaving home.

Youā€™re going to be missed. Who will be my buddy now? No cat, of many weā€™ve had, has been as close to me as you chose to be.

May there be a kitty heaven where you can be young again, going around bugging all the other cats there.

ETA: RIP Bug. May there be a kitty heaven. :pray:


I have a new hip! Yay me! Iā€™m up and about and walking normally after six months of doing a pretty realistic Igor impression. So, so happy to get back to normal.


I have no clue why metal detectors are seen as anything but a safety precaution in a high level ā€œpublicā€ placeā€¦ :thinking:


I am no longer getting email notifications for Informed Delivery (USPS). I checked my account and the setting is still set for those emails. I have submitted two written reports over the last three weeks with no response. Today I tried the live chat action - I filled out a form, clicked on ā€œChatā€ and got this message: ā€œYour chat request has been canceled because no agents are available.ā€ No guidance about when I should try again. The window closed so I will have to refill in the form if I want to request a chat again. Ugh.

One need to control everything. Got bank statement for my account and my DD account and for December it only shows 2% interest rate instead of 4% that was advertised. After phone call they said it was a system error and corrected it. I wonder if they corrected it for customers who didnā€™t call. Login into Anthem BC website for new insurance. The deductible that should be only $250 are shown as $2800. Customer support apologize that they got new database and itā€™s a rough learning curve

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I LOVE it!!! Boom! Gotcha.