Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Needing the last word is not a good look.


So nice to be home. OMG so nice to be home. Now to take a shower and wash my disgusting filthy hair.


Happy birthday, @Lindagaf !


Waited a day to make the final plane tix in order to confirm with friends and of course it’s $50/ticket higher then lady night. I should be grateful it isn’t $200 more.


Beloved mother-in-law,

I really wish we could let you know that we won’t be at your big surprise birthday party. But, it’s a surprise, so we can’t. I know you want to forgive DH’s siblings who have threatened and berated us in the past. Even though we can also forgive, we can’t risk being exposed to them. We especially can’t risk putting our children on their radar again.

As a mother, I can imagine how hard it is for you to have these rifts between your children. The combination of childhood trauma and mental illness has damaged some of them beyond our ability to help or cope. (As you know, we truly tried.) I am so sorry that this means we can’t all be together.

We will find other ways to celebrate your birthday. We’ll each come and spend time individually so you can look forward to lots of special visits.

I think you will understand when you look for us that night and we aren’t there. Please understand? We love you so much.

Eleven years ago today I got called to be matched for a stem cell donation. I wanted to, I volunteered to, it but at the time I was still nursing a kid and at least at that point, they expected me to take so many drugs, and so long a break, I would have to stop nursing.!Everything was no stress until It turned out that BF was essentially offensive to the volunteer, and especially your age, which “good enough.” Then I got two more phone calls from this same disdainful volunteer. I was removed from the registry for “refusal when matched.” That was many years ago and likely standards and process has changed. But I still think about you every year Match, and hope you are still out their, alive, and where able to find another person to donate. I am sorry I couldn’t.



Oh my! Our bridge group must be under a bad cloud! My ( and DH’s) broken bones, then friend #2 was just in a car accident and her car totaled and friend #3’s husband just fell and broke his collarbone. To the other 3- stay safe!!!


If you’re going to throw trash out your car window, it might be a good idea to not do it in the van that has your church name and logo plastered all over the side! :rage:


He is not a mensch


I am often thankful for this thread and the guilt free venting, but this time I want to say how grateful I am for this happy time in my life. Relatively good health, more time with family in “retirement” and my new city and a seasonal pt job that I love. I am not naive enough to think this happy season will last forever, so I want to appreciate it while I am in it. If only the witch with a “b” neighbor upstairs in our small condo development would find a reason to move away :wink:


Watching the latest season of “Married at First Sight” on Netflix and I’ve decided that I’m totally rocking this adulting thing compared to a couple of those people. :rofl:


Ramadan Mubarak!



Oh, my 
 she pulled the equivalent of a Clavin. Why on earth did she bet that much on the double??




I would like to remind people that posts which are political are not permitted and will be removed. This includes posts that refer to present, past, or aspiring US politicians in an overly negative manner. Luckily, there is a forum for political discussions.


I should be looking forward to a few days off instead of being crippled with work anxiety. Whatever happens, happens. Not much I can do at this point!



Seriously, why is there always a bit of advice. Adults know these things.


Costco, your customer service is normally better than this. What’s up

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