Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I don’t care what you want to call it. I’m going to call it what I want to call it. To-may-toe, to-mah-toe…it’s still the same thing.

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Who in the world decides to give a child a toy whistle for a plane flight??? Epic parent/guardian fail.

Thanks flight attendants, or perhaps fellow travelers (couldn’t see exactly), for correcting that after a short (but too long) bit of time!


Schools with sub 20% acceptance rates are not targets for anyone, let alone safeties. :woman_facepalming:


I cannot imagine that a man would ever be told … in a Congressional committee hearing, no less … “I personally think you’re too nice a person to be in the job that you’re in” or “You have too nice a smile.” Anyone who thinks sexism is a thing of the past has their head buried in the sand.


My Israeli friends are coming here at the end of April. Yay! No need to reschedule my trip there. Lucky lucky me!


IRS: “We understand your tax refund is very important and we are working to process your return as quickly as possible.”

Taxpayer: BBHMM!

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Two terrible words
Yield Protection


The northern lights were unbelievable the past couple nights, and we could have hopped in the car and driven a couple hours to see them. We’re retired - we should be able to do that. But no, you had to get rescue cats, and we can’t just leave them without setting up a pet sitter. You couldn’t have waited a few years until after we played for awhile. I spent so many years raising kids. I just wanted a couple years for just us. Oh, well.


You’re a user. I must absolutely not say what I’m thinking.

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I want to say to everyone who posts on the internet. Be kind and remember that not everyone has a thick skin.

Sometimes I forget that I’ve been around here for so long that I’m immune to comments. But not everyone is.

Be kind, be nice and be respectful. Not just here but on all parts of the internet where you’re not face to face and your tone won’t come out.

This isn’t about anything in particular but I’m on a few facebook groups and although it all seems to roll off my back, I forget that comments don’t work that way for some.


Bobby. Is. Back!! :football:


Please, please, please don’t let this be a repeat of 2020, when we said, “Of course everything will be OK in France by the end of July!” Ugh. We just want to go to Europe.


I fear I’m addicted to CC. I need to step away for awhile and regroup. If it keeps going like this I’ll be on the site daily for at least the next 365 plus days! Is there a support group I can join? :rofl:


Amy Grant’s new song, Trees We’ll Never See, is a gift. It definitely touches the sweet spot for this sixty-something grandma.


Texas A&M. Yes!


Believe it or not, there are probably thousands of high school seniors as smart as your kid - and probably thousands who are smarter. If a majority are applying to 10-20 schools, the top schools are going to be turning down a whole lot of very, very qualified applicants. It’s a numbers thing. It’s not a nefarious plot against smart kids.


We went on a trip, and DH swears that he gave me his mouth guard before we left the hotel. When we got home he was annoyed that I didn’t have it. I checked both of my suitcases twice!! It wasn’t there. Now, 2 months later, he finds it in his Surface Pro briefcase. He didn’t look in there when we got home, because of course, he didn’t remember putting it in there. Thank goodness that he didn’t get it replaced at the dentist!!! Aarrggh!!!


And yet another school shooting, this time committed by a 28 year old female who killed 3 kids and 3 staff as of this typing. :broken_heart:

My heart goes out to all who should have been having a normal day today, but now have to endure such sadness and anxiety. :people_hugging:

My D’s coworker/friend has a 5 year old child at the Nashville school where the shooting took place. They haven’t heard anything from her (the coworker) yet. Praying that the child is safe and wasn’t near the shooting.

Update: Some of you have reached out to ask if the friend’s child is okay. Fortunately, yes.

You laughed and I will never forget or forgive. You are a miserable human being. Try practicing what you preach.

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