Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)



On my running and walking route today:

ā€œSomeone out there is proud of you. Even if you are just making it though your day. Iā€™M PROUD.ā€



You really are obnoxious!


I canā€™t believe how you persevered ā€“ but then again, thatā€™s you, isnā€™t it. Congratulations on a job really, really well done.


You finally washed her. Phew. Everyone survived.

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I just read an article about employees at Target stores being threatened by customers. As the parent of a gay young man, this not only enrages me, but also makes me extremely afraid. What is happening to this country?


Fake news makes me sick. All it does is forward the agenda of one group and tear the rest of us apart.


Wash, rinse, repeatā€¦so happy people are finally freed of their complacency. Action is required and Iā€™m glad to see it happening.

Gotta feel for Target employees that are dealing with some folks that are clearly losing their minds. First those same folks were trashing Target stores when they were selling masks, and now theyā€™re threatening and harassing employees that are just there doing a job.

Too much time on your hands folks! How about you get out there and put that energy to good use!


Well, that knife is definitely sharp. Next time, guess I should be more careful washing it. At least I got the bleeding to stop, but it sure hurts.

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D24 brought home a block of this ā€œMarius Fabreā€ laundry soap from her school trip to France. Used it today on a pillow case that had a blood stain on it (other kid got bloody nose)ā€¦pillow case had already gone through regular wash AND dryer and stain still there.

Normally, that would mean that itā€™s now there forever, right?

NO! Oh my gosh, this soap is THE BEST EVER! Rubbed it directly on the stained pillow case, scrubbed back and forth a lot, rinseā€¦STAIN IS TOTALLY GONE LIKE IT WAS NEVER THERE


That is all.


Be careful what you wish for ā€¦

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A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects . R.A. Heinlein


I see that China is digging the deepest hole in the world. That puts a new spin on one of our favorite pastimes as kids ā€¦ digging a hole to China.


D Day. Let us never forget.


Apparently rabbits will play ā€œdeadā€:

I let my crazy Vizsla out into the back yard last night (11ish) and he leapt down the steps and bolted once his feet hit the ground. He was goneā€¦ a blur. I had the backyard lights off so I couldnā€™t really see anything, but there were growls and the sounds of action taking place among plants (the rustle of leaves, the snap of twigsā€¦). I walked back there to see what was upā€¦ and there he was, standing over what I presumed to be a dead rabbit, about a foot inside the fence. (there was just enough ambient light to make it out)

He wouldnā€™t come back inside willingly, so I put his leash on him and we went back into the house. The dog was fine ā€“ small scratch on his face, some dirt on his paws, a small ruffling of his short coat ā€“ nothing to be concerned about.

This morning, I took him back into the backyard on the leash, mainly to keep him away from the dead rabbit. Onlyā€¦ the rabbit was gone. Either something snatched the rabbit (good-sized adult rabbitā€¦) and dragged it off for a meal, or the rabbit had never been dead, and had waited until we were gone to make its getaway. I prefer the latter, and since we havenā€™t had raccoons or coyotes near our placeā€¦ I think itā€™s fairly likely.

Iā€™m glad.


Selling out to MBS. Did not expect that. Add this to the list of things Iā€™m glad my father didnā€™t live to see.


The French Open Menā€™s draw is just not the same without the wonderful Rafael Nadalā€¦


Because you refused to compromise, now you are going to make it ugly.

Your vacuum is older than my 28 yr old marriage. Itā€™s time to buy a new vacuum.