Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

You had ONE job. And you blew it.

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My dear, dear departed first, favorite, and best cousin: I attended your daughterā€™s wedding today. Sheā€™s all grown up, looked stunning, and radiated happiness, but there was a huge hole where you should have been. Your wonderful husband wore an embroidered piece of your wedding dress peeking out of his breast pocket. I am wrecked once again.



Someone in the neighborhood was just outside playing sad, but sweet trumpet music and I have to admit Iā€™m all choked up! :us:


You have no discipline, courage or fortitude. Why do I ever place any reliance or faith in you?

I got all weepy during the PBS Memorial Day special. It was like a faucet turned on and I couldnā€™t stop it. It happened at the Vietnam part of the show. What a crappy, horrid, brutal, ugly, awful time that was. It was from my late teens into my early twenties. So, yeah. I remember.


Stop lying. Itā€™s truly pathological at this point. No matter what is said I can read and you are lying.

After 25 years of you not really being a gift giver, I finally got on board and didnā€™t get you anything for our anniversary. And then you come out with the most thoughtful little gift today. Iā€™m so confused!!! :joy: and trying really hard not to feel guilty for not having something to reciprocate with.


I just saw a picture of myself that H took today. Good heavens, I need some more flattering clothes!!


I cannot understand why you left her there at the hospital all day by herself. She barely understands what is going on but certainly understands Dad is really sick this time AND YOU LET HER DRIVE?

I am gonna have to cancel our whole trip, not see my son or our friends because you canā€™t manage the minimal amount of attention to this? Honest to goodness. Sheā€™s not fine. Heā€™s not fine. You are such the wrong person to have stayed close by, yet here we are. Many swear words.


Thank you, Ted Lasso, for brightening my world.


Sitting here yesterday, trying to figure out what color to paint my remodeled sunroom. Get a message from a good friend who for some reason was in my thoughts recently. ā€œGreat minds think alikeā€ was my thought as I opened up her message. Am still reeling - sheā€™s been diagnosed with a rare aggressive cancer. Why, oh why??

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Wow, every year at this time Iā€™m shocked at the bad driving. Does the warm weather fry peopleā€™s brains, or is it all the out-of-state tourists? In two hours of driving today, I saw people running three red lights and one stop sign. One of the times, I was making a protected left turn and the guy was coming at me. Another time, a motorcyclist whipped through a stop sign and was going so fast he finished the turn in the oncoming lane of traffic before he continued on in front of me. Ugh. Distracted driving is bad enough, but this was scary.
Two days ago a woman was driving southbound on the northbound lane of the highway we travel all the time. She hit a car head on. She and the other driver were both killed. I canā€™t even figure out where she entered the highway from the description that was given.

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Hey Mr. Landlord, stop being a jerk and give my daughter a break. You and your agent are horrible, disrespectful, and greedy people. She has bent over backwards to be accommodating and tolerated so many issues with the apartment. You are not even willing to negotiate. She is done being cooperative and nice.

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Neighbor, you wonā€™t go to Europe because there are so many places in the US to see.

The only place you go is to The Villages in Florida.

Just stop.


What good is putting an ACH hold if you then process the request anyway? You better be able to reverse that payment while it is still ā€œprocessingā€.

Hey, all you folks whining on the neighborhood Facebook page about the deed restrictions ā€¦ you purchased a house in a deed restricted neighborhood. Iā€™m sorry that you didnā€™t understand what that meant, but your ignorance doesnā€™t change anything. And by the way, you might want to pay your dues before telling the board that you want changes.

And yes, I knew the rules before I moved in. They were part of my decision to move here.


My dear friend. I really like you.

You had two heart attacks. A year apart.

You are in your 70ā€™s. You were overweight. You smoked for 40 years. Your diet wasnā€™t good. You drink like a fish. Iā€™ve never seen you exercise. You have RA.

I donā€™t think it was the coronavirus vaccine timing that caused your heart incidents. I donā€™t believe that multiple doctors told you your incidents were because of getting the vaccine.

My social live is getting back to pre pandemic levels. I forgot that I have a bunch of crazy people in my life here. :rofl:


Beware of the person, company, or school that needs to remind you of their virtue during certain months of the year. If you are virtuous, your actions will prove it, not your altered favicon, logo, or social media presence. Words and bits are cheap.


What was the point of that FB post? It was rude, disrespectful, mean and NOT funny. It made you look like an a**. Iā€™m glad it was removed when I looked later. I quit the group once because of stuff like this.

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