Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Holy molly, aren’t you that place that put up signs basically sayings cops are not welcome?

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Four kids surviving alone in the jungle for 40 days, keeping an 11 month old fed? I am in awe of their strength and resourcefulness.


If you’ve been married for decades, it seems a tad odd to call her your bride. She is your wife. That said, its better than calling her “the little woman”.


Well, I put that post in the wrong place! :rofl:

Could not find the dishwasher thread- Whoever told their H to put in less soap and it will wash better was brilliant. It works like a charm- Thanks.


Dear neighbors, I can’t wait for the grand finale of your performance of Concerto for Two Chainsaws and One Chipper this lovely Sunday afternoon.


I’m tired of dealing with my secretive, conflict-avoidant SIL. Why can’t you answer a simple question? If it’s no big deal, then why not just answer the question? I’m tired of being blown off by you and how you make stuff up – until you get caught in a lie. (Thanks, Ring doorbell!) I hate how dependent we are on you for our mom’s care, especially because I don’t think you’re doing a good job caring for her. My sister thinks you’re drugging her. I don’t really think that … but I don’t 100% don’t think that either.

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Steeling myself against the relentless litany.

I wish today was any other day. It’s your birthday. I’m so afraid of what the future holds for you. I did everything I could for you as a parent and you destroyed your life and scarred so many others. I just don’t even know how to cope today. I don’t want to go to work, I don’t want to talk to people, I just want today to be over.

Just dropped our oldest S at the airport. :heart:

He’s headed to study Russian in Kazakhstan for 8 weeks and living with a host family. :kazakhstan:

Excited for him, but yes, a little nervous for him, too.


DD’19 has to find new housing on very short notice. It’s been a very stressful time since Sunday night. Maybe I should stop reading reviews on apartment buildings because they all sound awful.

I did it! The stain came out! I’ve been angsting for years about how to handle it and google showed up for me finally. Yea!


“One of my favorite sayings is don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” Ma’am, I don’t think that really applies to your deciding that your structure doesn’t need to be evaluated to see if it’s strong enough to hold a heavy hot tub full of water. Good luck with that! We’re busy, anyway, so we won’t miss the business. And yes, we’ll be keeping the retainer…


Why does it bother me that most of my friends are still funding their adult children and rent? Their kids have been working several years at good jobs. I do understand they could not afford the doorman building, or living by themselves but really at what point do they afford their life?
Maybe I am the one who has it wrong…


$5 reward for anyone who can tell me why my refrigerator smells. It started smelling like sour milk. I had just bought a new gallon but the old one wasn’t finished and I smelled the old one but nothing (and it tastes fine). Wiped down the new milk container in case something spilled on it in the store. Wiped down all the shelves in case something spilled but didn’t find any evidence. I’ve tossed anything questionable like cottage cheese that didn’t look bad but had to be sacrificed. All the cheese is sealed. Today tossed some bacon that was questionable but that wasn’t ‘the smell’. There is a drawer too and that section doesn’t smell, just the main compartment.

People, I’m going to be down to ketchup soon. I’ve informed the troops that there will be no new food purchased until I find the smell.

If you’re coming in late to a thread, please take the time to read through all the posts before you reply.

Replying “as you go” isn’t helpful, as you’re repeating what has already been said by other posters. It doesn’t add to the discussion, and is somewhat disrespectful to those who already made those points.


My husband and I go to the same dentist and are on the same dental plan. I went a month ago and opted for the extra fluoride rinse. They mentioned that it might not be covered (I haven’t seen anything processed yet by my insurance or the dentist). My husband goes today and opted for the extra fluoride rinse. They made him pay for it before he left the office. Strange that they treated it differently for each of us.


Please pull up to the front pump if the pump in front of you is clearly not going to be done pumping any time soon.This is ridiculous!


American Flag GIFs | Tenor


Just because you took AP Physics while somebody else took AP Music Theory doesn’t make you a better student. There are many different types of intelligence. The AP Music Theory exam is pretty darn hard. You just kind of showed how you don’t really know what you’re talking about. You got into your colleges. The Music Theory kids will get into theirs. Nobody gives a rip after graduation that you got into higher ranked schools. Just go a live your best life and try not to be a butthole in the process.